Rain already

Sep 04, 2009 18:38

Humidity sucks...nuff said.

What's up y'all? Been busy? Me too!

Trying to work out again. Have been somewhat successful. Have joined Sparkpeople.com again. LOL, I forgot my password and had moved to a new internet provider so I had to make a new account. Which is just as well, as the old one was never really used.

Our state agencies are supposed to have a healthy living program where you log nutrition and exercise and in exchange you get vacation hours/days. This program was created by legislation in 2007. It's late 2009 and our particular agency STILL has not set it up for us. *sigh* I actually walk every day at work. It's a nice walk, lovely views on the state capitol grounds. Our state is the one with the scale replica of the nation's capitol. So yeah, very scenic, very healthy...still, it would be SO cool to actually get those hours.

Boo broke his arm. I have been waiting on the broken bone thing to happen for a long while, since he's so active. He fell out of the tree in the front yard, which is a TINY tree. Seriously, the branch he was on is at my eye-level, and I'm short. He was however, using it like a gymnast bar and swinging his legs to bring himself to an upside down position and BAM! That's when he fell, and POP went the radius. Cast was fiberglass and the lining was something similar to gore-tex so he still gets in the pool to practice kicks/endurance/breathing. Even has his team logo drawn on there. Crazy kid. He did swim at State (before he broke his arm) although he got DQ'd on his biggest race. There was a lot of conflict and drama over that as it wasn't exactly a standard situation, but I figure the more adversity he faces, fair or not, the stronger athlete he will become. He did get a team record, so that was cool.

Books? Not to many that I can recall worth mentioning here. Anyone else read something worth passing along?

TV? Warehouse 13. Nice, I'm being drawn in. The episode involving Lewis Carrol's mirror was made of awesome! Check it out.

Razorbacks play tomorrow! *dances* They may not be a serious threat this year, but I don't care, I'm SO ready for football!
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