glee| The day I found you again

Dec 28, 2011 17:57

He still tastes the same, after all the years that have passed. It’s almost unfair, really, because it has been hard enough to spend years trying to push away memories and what ifs. And yet…yet it’s almost a relief to press his lips to the line of Blaine’s jaw, to let his hand wander down his chest. His skin still feels the same, warm and smooth and full of promises, even though he has tasted it so many times in the past. Before everything ended, before he had to close every small piece that Blaine left behind into cartoon boxes pushed at the back of his father’s garage. Just before slipping his hand under the waistband of Blaine’s boxers he wonders if Blaine has boxes with his name written on it.

The weight of Blaine in his hand seems to bring him back in time; back to their first time together- nervous and happy and full of questions- back to the nights spent in his apartment in New York when Blaine came to visit him on weekends. All of it is so far away and yet Kurt feels as if it has never left, as though Blaine’s smiles and Blaine’s hands have always remained underneath his skin.

Blaine moans and arches his back, just as he used to do- that perfect tensing of olive skin, that same richness in his voice- it sends sparks running down Kurt’s spine, those very sparks that no one else has ever been able to give him.

As he softly traces Blaine’s entrance with his fingers, he wonders what Blaine has felt when someone else was doing this to him. He bites his lower lip, trying to convince himself that what he is feeling is not jealousy.


He almost chokes on air, because he had forgotten how perfect his name sounded when Blaine pronounced it while doing this- breathless and low. He is afraid to lift his gaze, afraid of what he might find in Blaine’s eyes, but he can’t help it.

Blaine’s eyes are dark and focused; looking at them Kurt remembers how hard they had been when they broke up on that October night almost three years ago and at the same time how gentle and surprised they were when they ran into each other at some party just a few weeks ago.

Blaine’s hand comes up to cup his cheek and Kurt blinks.

So many silences, so many tears, so many doubts and now they’re here, fallen into each other’s arms again. There’s no trace of regret in Blaine’s eyes; they’re as they used to be, mirrors of Kurt’s love and adoration and affection.

He doesn’t need any other confirmation. He watches Blaine’s mouth fall open in a perfect circle as he pushes a first finger inside of him. it feels tight and perfect just as he remembers, as it has never felt with anyone else.

Blaine’s hands are like wings on his hips as Kurt pushes gently inside of him. it feels like being back at home- all warmth and whiteness behind his closed eyelids. The only thing that he can hear is Blaine chanting his name, like a prayer, like a poem memorized  long ago.

There are so many things that he has wanted to say to Blaine since they met each other again, but he hasn’t known how and now, now that he moves inside of Blaine, with Blaine, he knows that this is the perfect way of telling him that he has missed him, that he wants him back more than anything else.

He comes with Blaine’s name on his tongue and Blaine panting in his ear.

As they lay side by side and Blaine traces unknown patterns on his chest with the tips of his fingers, Kurt knows that this is what they have always been, that they are finally here to stay.

genre: au, genre: romance, rating: nc-17, glee character: blaine, glee character: kurt, fandom: glee

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