After trying kale cooked in coconut milk at
basmatiheather's house recently, I've been meaning to give it a try at home. In our CSA box this week we got chard, scarlet turnips, as well as radishes. I chopped up and rinsed all the greens and threw them on top of some thinly sliced onion I had been sweating in a little coconut oil. Added a little lemon juice and half a can of coconut milk and cooked it all together. It turned out great.
It went really well with the leftover stuffed mushrooms and peppers. Overall a super pleasing dinner.
Also, threw some Sunny Paris seasoning into my homemade mayo with a little salt to make a dip for the radishes and jicama I cut up for the gamers. Yay! Good to have an easy go-to dip for parties or get togethers. :) And also perhaps a justification for the seasoning purchase. =P
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