Chapter 4 - Calling in a Debt

Aug 06, 2004 03:23

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Disclaimers: Neither the idea of Harry Potter nor the characters belong to me in any way. They are the sole property of JKR. I do not make any money of this story either.

Chapter 4 - The Plan

Severus was back in his pleasant dream, the one he had had sporadically over the last months. They had started after Harry and he had moved into the new house, making him feel safe and cared for - yes, even loved. The only thing that disturbed him was, that his husband stared in it. Actually the only thing he remembered were bright, emerald eyes looking deeply into his. Why his subconscious decided to believe the selfless lover of his dreams was Potter was beyond him.

He reached out for the shape that had appeared on the side of his bed, pulling him closer. Eager lips were pressed on his, a moment before fluttering up to his eyelids to breathe a kiss on each. Keeping his eyes closed he felt his dream-lover move to his left ear, touching it briefly. The first time a hot tongue encountered the soft skin below his ear he almost came there and then. Gentle bites and soft kisses were dropped along his jaw before the attention of the fidget of his mind went downwards, to the sensitive spot on Severus’ neck.

The Potion Master buried his hands in the hair of his lover, having every intention of pulling the head back up to taste those teasing lips.

The dream was so real, the pleasure and the touches. Every dream seemed to be etched into his mind and he held them close like precious gems whenever he needed them. Since his outburst days ago Harry had avoided him, and for no reason at all Severus’ felt a pang of regret. He missed their conversations.

*Why are you thinking of that misbegotten brat now?* His thoughts rushed back to the present as a warm hand closed around his throbbing member. It was always followed the same pattern in his dreams. His nymph woke him up with kisses, touches and the searing heat of another body pressed against his own.

His musings - completely new to the dream that his brain worked with this sharpness - were cut short by a slow, deliberate movement of the hand that engulfed him. Everything around him stopped as his dream lover caressed his sensitive sides with his free hand and kissed him deeply while bringing him to the brink and beyond. Stars danced in front of his eyes and he gasped for breath. His arms were around the lithe figure on top of him.

While he was lying there, enjoying the closeness of the only half undressed nymph, he heard the other one sigh and felt the touch of lips on his damp skin. “I love you, Sev, I just wish I could tell you that, but you would never believe me.” A hand was running up and down his right side.

Severus’ blood ran cold. He knew that voice. His fried brain scrambled frantically to come up with a name. *Harry bloody Potter-Snape.* His addition of the brat’s full name cam unbidden. Stiffening Severus hid his thoughts and his emotions behind the icy wash he used to wear all the time. “Why should I believe you?” His embrace had turned from gentle to steely. *There is no running now, Harry,* his thought was vicious. The thought of killing or maiming him crossed his mind only briefly. The mess he would have to clean up as the responsible part of this marriage would be far too great.

Emerald eyes snapped open, looking at him with utter terror. “Severus?”

*Fear. How delightful.* He enjoyed the way Harry’s lips were slightly quivering. “What do you think that you are doing in *my* bedroom.” The sentence was out before it went past his in-built censor. He had wanted to ask him what he was doing in his bed, touching him like that.



Hermione rolled over in bed. She was back home from visiting Ron for half a month and her parents were only too glad to have her back for a while. Before she was off to University.

There had been a banner over the entrance door, “Welcome home, University-girl.” Smiling slightly she hugged one of her pillows tightly. Her thoughts were somewhere completely else, definitely not on her future. They were with Harry.

Looking at it from the distance that only time can give, she could only shake her head and mutter, “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” When Harry told Ron and her that he was in love with Severus Snape they had had a hard time believing it.

/”I just don’t know how to approach him.”/

Remembering her own answer made her cringe. /”Easy, just be as Slytherin as him and force him into it. The man is not likely to open up anytime soon and trust me; he looks as skittish as anyone I’ve ever seen. You approach him, he’ll run, fast and far. You’ll never get him.”/

For the rest of the night Hermione and Harry had talked about the problem, until the early morning, when Ron had woken up. The first shock had dissipated and Ron was taking it very well. He had actually told Harry that it was time to get over Cho, even if it was with the greasy old git.

Convincing Harry of some additions to his plan was hard - no, hard was not the right word. He had been angry with her for a week. Trying to trap Severus had not set well with him at all.

His plan had been wonderfully romantic: Invite the Potion Master for dinner and confess his undying love. Something that would definitely not do at all, not if Harry wanted a chance at more than a sneer and a sarcastic answer. Lunacy, utter lunacy. And she had told him so.

The marriage contract and the blackmailing had to a certain extend be her idea.

The potion on the other hand - and the nightly activity - had been entirely Ron’s idea. She remembered staring at the redhead in shock until he had glared and asked “What?” in a sharp voice. Harry had looked decidedly faint at this point.

*Second thoughts probably,* Hermione mused. In a way she felt bad for everything that had happened since Harry had blackmailed Severus Snape to marry him after the graduation ceremony.

She grinned evilly. They had never thought Ron had it in him. Considering he hated Snape with a feeling bordering to obsession she could not understand why he had extended his help like that. They had ended up sitting in Ron and Harry’s room, concocting a plan that would make their friend happy.

Of course, Harry had been sitting in a corner, glaring at them when they came up with an especially painful revelation about Snape.

But now, after Harry had initialised the first phase of their very manipulative plan, she was the one having second thoughts. Was it really right to do what they did? It was quite a Slytherin thing to plan something like this and put it into action. What made it very hard on her were Harry’s depressed calls via the Floo-network. The first happy chat she had had with him had been two days ago, when he reported a first break-through.

In a way she was relieved to hear that, but something inside her was waiting for the other shoe to drop. The whole situation made her skin crawl. She just hoped Harry could come out of the experience unharmed in mind and soul. If he did not, it would be entirely her fault.

Resolutely closing her eyes, Hermione willed herself to fall asleep, but gave up after only a few minutes. It was going to be another long night. She sighed and got out of bed, approaching a desk that was overflowing with books she had already bought for Uni. Maybe doing some work would calm her down enough to at least get some sleep.


“’Uh-oh?’ Is that the best you can do?“ Severus growled in a low tone of voice. “’Uh-oh’ is not going to save your life here, Potter.”

“Look, Sev -“

Anger flaring up, Severus cut his husband off, “Don’t you dare use a silly pet-name on me.”

“Severus. I’m sorry.”

His eyes narrowed to thin slits, “’I’m sorry’ is not going to cut it.” Their faces were so close together, that their noses almost touched. Suddenly a deeper sense of understanding engulfed him and his eyes grew wide. “It’s been you all the time!” Looking at Harry accusingly he hissed, “How long has this been going on? Every night since we moved in? Answer me!” He suddenly pushed the other man off him, releasing him from his vice-like grip. “Get out. I don’t want to see you, not ever again. Stay away from me.” When the younger man did not move from the floor he had landed on Severus threw a pillow at him with full force. “Out!”

The need to be alone and curl up was greater than his desire for answers. He did not even watch the young man back up without another word and leave the room. Harry had not taken his eyes from him, obviously afraid. “He’d better be afraid. The brat.” But there was no hate behind those words.

Under all the raving and struggling against this, he had started to expect better of the younger wizard. Had started to enjoy having someone who appreciated his experiences and asked for his opinion. He had even started to enjoy the garden work. Deeply hurt Severus curled up on his left side; hugged a pillow to himself and stared off into the darkness.


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hp, fanfic, debt

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