Jul 11, 2005 23:53
Not many of you knew, but I had a cousin who had been missing in London soon after the bombings had taken place. He had recently moved there to be with his fiance and was going to work. He was on the way there when the bombings started. He had been missing since Thursday. Well, without further ado, his name was Michael Matsushita. In the event that you saw the news or read the papers-yeah, that's the one. I haven't seen him since I was little and wouldn't be able to see the relevance in knowing every single goddam family member I have. He was my cousin through marriage, not blood, but that wouldn't change the fact that he was family. My aunt was on T.V. begging and hoping that she'd receive a good phone call. What luck, right? He's gone. I'll never see him again. Or ever consider to find him if I felt like it one day. But now it's time to realize and thing about how the only way I get to see my father's side of the family at all, is to have someone fucCin die. Hey, maybe I should fucCin put a bullet through this head of mine and fucCin see if I can get my mother's side and my dad's side together. But I'd imagine that I'd have to make a list of people who I wouldn't want to attend my funeral. I'd give a reason too, how each of them, how they did me wrong and why they helped push me a little more over the edge to where I'm at now...a stain. I'd have that as a will-wish.
But before that, I have to sit here and further think about how much wrong there is in the world and how we all just disillusion ourselves and proceed with our lives as nothing happened. But that's how we should do it though, right? We end ignoring the fact that we've lost someone that is connected in someway, and who shares your blood, as thin the connection is, you find the connection there. There's no goddam point to anything anymore...Act of a martyr huh? My ass. Let's see what Miriam-Webster have to say about this...
Main Entry: [1]mar·tyr
Pronunciation: 'mär-t&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Late Latin, from Greek martyr-, martys, literally, witness
Date: before 12th century
1 : a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion
2 : a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle
Well, 1: I don't see anyone telling Muslims to renounce their faith...do you? Cuz I mean, I haven't, I mean I've been out here in Pennsylvania among fucCin trees, maybe the fresh air is doin a lil something, so I don't fucCin know.
And as for definition 2: I'm pretty positive that when they say you sacrifice life I'm pretty FucCin sure they mean your own. AND ONLY YOURS. I DON'T SEE SHIT AS TO TAKING THE LIVES OF 60 OTHER GODDAM PEOPLE.
Fulfill your fates according to how your soul lives, not what some man who correlates alleged "word" tells you to do. Die as you were supposed to and not how you think you should. Leave this world as you first came in...Alone.