Jensen/Jared, Drabble

Oct 16, 2007 21:44

Title:Got A Touch, A Touch Too Much    
Drabble, 138 words
Rated: R
A/N. First ever drabble and anything porn related. And first time writing in this tense and no beta cos I'm impatient. :D
Title stolen from Touch Too Much by AC/DC

Firm hands graze slick skin, wanting, needing more. Secrets are whispered into skin while mouths pleading promises and forever’s. Fingertips feeling the familiar curves and dips, exploring frantically like this is survival, essential. Bodies push and pull reaching new heights and begging for more. Cool water with the heat of skin and skin makes you shiver and gasp. You ask for more, beg for release. You can't take it anymore, need it so bad, like breathing.
He gives it to you, like always. Your body arches off the cool tiles and your eyes squeeze shut, panting as you spill into his hand. He kisses you soft and tenderly, lazy like a sunny afternoon, you kiss him back giving it your all. All your forever’s and I love you’s, telling him he is your all, your home, your everything.


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