Cosmic Insanity

Nov 23, 2006 22:55

Well, it's been a bizarre thanksgiving abroad.
We had school today (thanks, AMERICAN UNIVERSITY) and tonight Mike, Jay, James, Candace, Alice and myself had a pleasant Italo-American thanksgiving dinner with Chicken(s) and some sides.
I was really depressed yesterday but today I've something so incredible to look forward to that Dave Amodei himself could not frown in the face of.
That's right guys and ghouls, tomorrow morning I'm hitchin' a aeroplane to the Mecca, the promised land... Amsterdam

--Update: Since typing the last sentence I've received more negative news via a phone call, according to my last entry I shouldn't be surprised but look above ^ I was feeling so positive!

Really though, the current negative scenario could swing both ways: positive +++, or very, very negative.

Stay tuned, creeps!!

Will Dave ever return from Amsterdam?! Will the positive forces in the universe finally prevail against all things negative?!?! *keep your optimism caps on*

Find out in the next exciting installment!
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