Sep 18, 2014 09:33
I'm watching Sengoku Basara, purely because one of the two main characters, Date Masamune, is voiced by Nakai Kazuya, also the voice of Zoro. Date Masamune is quite similar temperamentally to Zoro: he's fierce and eager on the battlefield, but quiet and reflective away from it. He's also fiercely loyal towards his men - he's actually the leader of his clan in this anime. And he has a loyal retainer, Kojuurou Katakura, who behaves like Zoro does towards Luffy, or Benn towards Shanks. So it's like watching Zoro with his own Zoro/Benn. It's kind of awesome. It's feeding my loyalty kink like nothing else.
(By the way, Date Masamune often intersperses English words into his Japanese speech, and the results are...hilariously awful. Nakai Kazuya's English is, uh, far from perfect, let's leave it at that.)
I'm also watching Detective Conan. Wow, that's a...long anime. I'm only at Episode 34 or so. It's kind of like Scooby Doo with actual murders. About half the time I can predict who the murderer was and how they did it, which boosts my ego no end.
And I still watch One Piece every Sunday :) I need to catch up with the manga though.
Wow, it's been a long time since I've written anything here. Hope everyone's well!