
Jun 06, 2007 15:05

summer time! just got a digital 8 track and have been having a lot of fun with it. Im supposed to release a compilation for a label I started with my friend trevin called hollowtown records. It should be finished in about two months. Im also recording my album plus a handful of other tracks ive written and hopefully more while recording. I like keeping buisy with all of this stuff it makes me feel healthier and happier, more purpose to doing this than sitting around wasting minutes online and whatnot. Im also going to put out a collection of stuff ive written from 14-present on my four track. Today I learned that doug yule continued the velvet underground after lou reed left and even recorded an album as the velvet underground. Its extremely rare and nobody acknowledges it now because how much of a scam it was I mean come on they only recorded four albums and he came on at album 3, considering the first two albums are the best anyways. Well trivia aside. Life seems to be going pretty good right now. Ive dated Claudia for about nine months and its just at the point where everyday you feel like you care more and more than the last. My brother just graduated from high school and my sister is going into the 10th grade. Im starting my 3rd year of college. Im glad its going by fairly fast I hope the rest of my time in school feels even quicker, I hate school and dont really feel like I owe anything to it at this point. Im thinking that will get better soon too considering I just got most of my pointless mind numbing classes out of the way. After this next semester at Cy Fair Im transfering to U of H for their creative writing program. Thats not really what I dreamed of doing for so long or anything. I always saw writing as something I could enjoy even though I rarely write. I love books and I would love to publish one. It was more like I was being pushed to go to U of H because its close and cheap so my parents said they would pay if I went their, so since I barely even like school and much less had any idea of what to do I accepted their proposal. So low and behold U of H has the second best creative writing program in the country and hey I always saw my self doing that so thats what Im doing as of now. I know the story of a boy with such strong dreams that he will do everything he can to reach them is a very touching one but thats just me hehe
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