Community News and Announcements
- A Word From Our Sponsors
- Tomorrow is More Joy Day. Please take a moment and consider the idea behind More Joy Day, which is that we each engage in one act, either here on or outside of LJ, which brings joy to another person, in the hopes that that person will spread that joy further, and exponentially onward.... The last More Joy Day was January 10th and it was a lot of fun. Haikus and fics and drabbles were written, polar bears and penguins were found in great abundance, there was an anonymous love meme and friends were made. And that was just in my little corner of fandom.
For the last More Joy Day I did a lot of anonymous stuff. This go-around I just haven't had the time to do much of anything. Then I realized I do do something every week for fandom - this newsletter. So, my contribution to this More Joy Day is the C6D Weekly Newsletter. But not just for tomorrow. For every week. That was my thing about More Joy Day; spreading joy should be a daily thing, not a single act confined to a single day. In my mind, it's More Joy Life and I try to spread the joy in the best ways I can...
Just to give you an idea of what is involved with this newsletter - I scan through 230+ journals on LiveJournal, some are personal, some are communities. Tonight I looked at over 600 LJ posts from the past week. Add a dozen or so blogs. And Google Alerts for phrases like CKR, Battlestar Galactica, or Hard Core Logo which yielded about 200 total web sites to skim. This newsletter covers 40+ fandoms; in tonight's issue there are 11 distinct fandoms with activities associated with them. That doesn't include the community announcements nor the multi-fandom sections. I'm always really busy on Wednesday nights...and this is why.
Spread the joy.
- Announcements
- More Joy Day has been scheduled for July 3rd. Go here for more details. Please take a moment to thank sdwolfpup for coming up with such a great idea for spreading more joy.
- slidellra has tracked down Skater_g8r, a once prolific C6D/ds artist, and gotten permission to share Skater_g8r's lovely art. Please go check it out and thank slidellra for her efforts on behalf of the fandom and great fanart. \sli/!
- The RCW139 convention site has had an update with some news about guest attendees. [note outside LJ links]
- Yesterday was Canada Day! Happy 141st birthday, Canada! \o/ \o/ \o/
- Archives
- A multi-fandom archive has opened up to store ebook-ready fanfictions. Please visit the Ebook Library or contact amothea or sprat for more information. The archive is still looking for volunteers, and authors can sign up to post their own stories. [note outside of LJ link]
- stormymouse's screencap sites have been reopened and updated. These are Cap it! Before I die of waitin' and Geez, look at all the pretty!. Please stop by and thank stormymouse for all of her hard work and her generosity in hosting these sites. [note outside LJ link]
- isiscolo has pages for Slings & Arrows fics and for Wilby Wonderful fics. If you have anything to add please contact isiscolo. [note outside LJ link]
- There is a Hard Core Logo archive, Touch My Stump, that has been largely forgotten by the HCL communities. Please consider archiving your Hard Core Logo stories there and reading some of the wonderful stories already archived. And please thank shrift for her time and energy in preserving fanworks. [note outside LJ link]
- Chats
- Next week's C6D chat will be held on July 5th and will feature something from the C6D universe, starting at 9 PM EST. Contact sisterofdream or malnpudl for more information.
- Conventions
- CanCon 2008, a slash-oriented fan mini-convention running in parallel to the official RCW139 convention, is being held August 15th through August 17th. Check out can_con2008 for more details. Registration is now closed. Hotel information and the roommate thread are now available. [Note outside LJ link]
- get/together, a slash-oriented, multi-fandom gathering held in New Zealand has started planning for this year's conclave. Please contract arysteia or check out get__together for more details. The convocation is planned for October 3rd through October 5th.
- Muskrat Jamboree 2009 has been scheduled for April 3rd and April 4th, 2009 in Boston, Massachusetts. Registration will go live on October 25th and will be limited to 140 people. Muskrat Jamboree is a mutli-fandom, slash-oriented con. Check out the con community muskratjamboree or contact a member of the con committee brooklinegirl, driense, kageygirl, misspamela or mrsronweasley for more information.
- Communities
- The is a new crack!fic challenge community - multi-fandom, multi-pairing - 10_cracfics. Go check it out.
- There is a new Tin Man fic challenge community - tm_ficfest - with a monthly new prompt to write fics to.
- Movie Festivals
- Polls
- Plays
- Television
- Flashpoint is premiering July 11th on both CTV (Canada) and CBS (US), Fridays at 10pm.
- INK: Alter Egos Exposed will be showing Friday, June 6that 8 pm on the IFC (Independent Film Channel) Canada. It will be rerun Saturday and Sunday mornings and is a must for any comic fans. There are ten episodes planned.
- Da Vinci's Inquest and ReGenesis have been renewed in US syndication according to an article at TV, eh? [note outside LJ link]
- The sixth season of The Shield, which stars David Marciano, is slated for release on August 26th. [note outside LJ link]
Battlestar Galactica
- Challenges/Ficathons
- thearchive2 is running a Cylon challenge for the duration of Battlestar Galactica's Season 4. The Archive is for experimental fanworks for Battlestar Galactica Season 4 and beyond. The 01000011 Challenge : Rewrite or remake a scene from the episode from the POV of the Cylons or a Cylon.
- Fanfic
- Fanart/Icons/Etc
- Miscellaneous
- There is a rec thread for Kara/Leoben recs.
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
Hard Core Logo
Men With Guns
- Challenges/Ficathons
- ds_snippets's Challenge # 73 has lovely new prompts: point, thigh, eager, flash and fireworks. Snippets are due by July 6th. See this post for rules and regulations.
- slashthedrabble's Challenge # 169 is What if...?. Drabbles are due by July 2nd. See this post for rules and regulations.
- smallfandomflsh's Challenge # 6 is Fireworks. Fics are due July 16th. See this post for further details.
- sinandmisery is hosting a femmeslash Porn Battle. Prompts were accepted until June 17th. Claiming of prompts wil continue until June 20th and fics are due by June 30th July 7th. See this post for more details.
- smallfandomfest has announced Small Fandom Fest the Third. Prompts were submitted from May 1st through May 21st. The claiming of prompts and the posting period started May 23 and ends July 31st. The challenge will close July 31st. Please read the rules if you have any questions.
- Round 7 for rounds_of_kink has started. Prompting has ended, claiming and posting is scheduled for July 1st through July 16th.
- smallfandomfest is also having “Pimp Your Small Fandom" - go to this post for more details.
- fandom_quote is a fanfiction challenge community that uses quotes from your favorite fandom as prompts. Information is here. Fandom and quote submissions have ended. July 1st to August 31st is the claiming and posting period. There are three c6d fandoms that were submitted - dS (specific episode - Mountie On The Bounty), season two of Slings & Arrows and HCL. Please feel free to claim quotes for fics.
- Planning for the ds/ds6d/c6d big bang challenge is starting. Please visit ds_c6d_bigbang for more details. Sign-ups start September 14th
- smut_bingo is a really low-pressure, multifandom challenge oriented around smut. Read the rules and join the fun.
- kink_bingo is a low-pressure, multifandom challenge oriented around kinks. Read the rules for more information and sign up for a bingo card.
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
- Miscellaneous
Tin Man
- Challenges/Ficathons
- tm_challenge's First annual Tin Man Fan Fic Grand Prix continues until August 2nd. See this post for further details.
- The July picture prompts been posted to tinman_fic. No rules, no ratings, no time limit.
- fic_of_tin was running the first Central City Ficathon, a ficathon for all pairings, all characters, all ratings for Tin Man stories. Fics were due by May 20th. The master list has been posted, but pinch-hitters are needed to ensure everyone gets a gift.
- Fanfic
The Tracey Fragments
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
H20 / Trojan Horse
- Fanart/Icons/Etc
- Screencaps/Pictures
Whiskey Echo
Please let me know about any broken links, incorrect information or anything that was missed. Submissions are welcome. Contact the moderator at c6d_weekly at livejournal dot com or akaminechan at gmail dot com.