Community News and Announcements
- Announcements
- More Joy Day has been scheduled for July 3rd. Go here for more details. Please take a moment to thank sdwolfpup for coming up with such a great idea for spreading more joy.
- There is a rumor that PG is attempting to put in an appearance at RCW 139. From meresy via sam80853. Thanks, ladies. [note outside LJ link]
- Chats
- Conventions
- CanCon 2008, a slash-oriented fan mini-convention running in parallel to the official RCW139 convention, is being held August 15th through August 17th. Check out can_con2008 for more details. Registration is now closed. Hotel information and the roommate thread are now available. [Note outside LJ link]
- Movies
- has an article entitled “Why is Canadian sex so creepy?" specifically in reference to Canadian movies.
- Movie Festivals
- Politics
- meresy posted a blurb that Bill C-10 will be amended to change some of the more controversial aspects. The full article from [note outside LJ link]
- Television
- Flashpoint is premiering July 11th on both CTV (Canada) and CBS (US), Fridays at 10pm.
- INK: Alter Egos Exposed will be showing Friday, June 6that 8 pm on the IFC (Independent Film Channel) Canada. It will be rerun Saturday and Sunday mornings and is a must for any comic fans. There are ten episodes planned.
Battlestar Galactica
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
Hard Core Logo
- Fanfic
- Fanart/Icons/Etc
- Screencaps/Pictures
- Challenges/Ficathons
- ds_snippets's Challenge # 73 has lovely new prompts: bears, raspbery, pickle, spatula, Paris. Snippets are due by June 29th. See this post for rules and regulations.
- slashthedrabble's Challenge # 168 is Straight. Drabbles are due by June 25th. See this post for rules and regulations.
- smallfandomflsh's Challenge # 5 is Rain. Fics are due July 2nd. See this post for further details.
- sinandmisery is hosting a femmeslash Porn Battle. Prompts were accepted until June 17th. Claiming of prompts wil continue until June 20th and fics are due by June 30th. See this post for more details.
- fandom_quote is a fanfiction challenge community that uses quotes from your favorite fandom as prompts. Information is here. Fandom submission closed June 15th. Quote submissions will run from June 16th to June30th. July 1st to August 31st is the claiming and posting period. There are two c6d fandoms that were submitted - dS (specific episode - Mountie On The Bounty) and HCL. Please feel free to submit quotes for either.
- Round 7 for rounds_of_kink will be starting soon. Prompting has finished, claiming is scheduled to start June 17th and posting will be July 1st through July 16th.
- Planning for the ds/ds6d/c6d big bang challenge is starting. Please visit ds_c6d_bigbang for more details. Sign-ups start September 14th
- Fanart/Icons/Etc
- Fanart/Icons/Etc
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
- Since the announcement of Passchendaele leading at the Toronto Internation Film Festival, there's been a lot of news coverage, including articles from Film Junk, St. Catharines Standard, XS BS Magazine, In,, ReutersUK, another from ReutersUK, Tandem, andpop, My Adversaria, another from In and To411 Daily.
- Screencaps/Pictures
- Miscellaneous
- A lucky blogster got to meet PG where he was signing movie stills from Passchendaele.
Slings & Arrows
- Fanfic
- Screencaps/Pictures
- Miscellaneous
- The Slings & Arrows bookmarks on has been updated. If you know of anything that is missing, please contact isiscolo
Tin Man
- Challenges/Ficathons
- The June picture prompts been posted to tinman_fic. No rules, no ratings, no time limit.
- fic_of_tin was running the first Central City Ficathon, a ficathon for all pairings, all characters, all ratings for Tin Man stories. Fics were due by May 20th. The master list has been posted, but pinch-hitters are needed to ensure everyone gets a gift.
- Fanfic
- Striking A Balance Chapter 9 (DG/Cain, DG/Zero, R) by nawag1r.
- The Particulars Of Friendship (Zero, R) by koslorollo.
- Prisons Come In Many Forms (Zero, Cain, DG, Azkadellia, PG) by erinm_4600
- The Locket (Zero Azkadellia, Lylo, R) by diabolicalfiend
- Little Blue Men (Zero, R) by diabolicalfiend.
- City Of Ill Repute (Zero, his ex-wife, PG) by diabolicalfiend
- Northern Island (Ensemble, G) by diabolicalfiend.
- Cain And Zero II (Ensemble, G) by diabolicalfiend.
Wilby Wonderful
X-Files : I Want To Believe
- Screencaps/Pictures
- Reviews/Interviews/Articles
- The Calgary Herald has posted a small article.
Please let me know about any broken links, incorrect information or anything that was missed. Submissions are welcome. Contact the moderator at c6d_weekly at livejournal dot com or akaminechan at gmail dot com.