Fanfic: Several Slings & Arrows fics from a new writer

Mar 27, 2012 20:13

Hello! I've recently wandered into fandom & am still feeling my way around discovering which online communities are active these days...  Here are links to a few S&A fics I have written recently.

Title: Gaze
Fandom: Slings & Arrows
Characters: Ellen Fanshaw, Geoffrey Tennant
Rating: G
Length: 472 words
Summary:  Ellen in the Ghost Light.


Title: Moving Out, Moving On
Fandom: Slings & Arrows
Characters: Geoffrey Tennant, Anna Conroy
Rating: G
Length: 1400 words
Content notes: Missing scene, friendship. 
Author notes: Un-beta'd.  Written for the "Five Things" challenge at fan_flashworks.
Summary: They have their exits and their entrances:
                 And one man in his time plays many parts.

Anna and Geoffrey, after King Lear

On AO3 or  at fan-flashworks

Title: Performance Anxiety
Fandom: Slings & Arrows
Pairing: Geoffrey Tennant/Ellen Fanshaw
Characters: Geoffrey Tennant, Ellen Fanshaw, Oliver Welles
Rating: X (explicit though fairly tame descriptions of sex)
Length: 992 words
Content notes: PWP, bondage
Author notes: Un-beta'd
Summary: The inside of Geoffrey's head can be a weird and stressful place, and being asleep doesn't necessarily improve matters.

Performance Anxiety

Title: Five Minutes
Fandom: Slings & Arrows
Characters: Cheryl, Cyril, Frank, Kate McNab (how come she gets a last name when so few secondary characters do? :) ), Sophie, Ellen Fanshaw, Geoffrey Tennant, original characters
Rating: G
Length: 1,172 words
Author notes: Written for the "five things" challenge at . Un-beta'd. There is an extended, multi-POV version of this story in the works.  But for the moment, a stand-alone vignette, backstage at the new Theatre Sans Argent.
Summary: Five minutes to places, ladies and gentlemen...

Five Minutes at fan-flashworks.
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