
(no subject)

Sep 06, 2006 17:04

Slow news day, LJ? Everyone's being very quiet. I have had to spend nearly the entire day doing photocopying and I am dying of boredom. I demand that you entertain me!

Not that I can talk. The most exciting thing that has happened to me so far this week is that the heel tip on my right shoe got stuck in a groove and came off, so now when I walk I sound like a pirate. One foot falls normally, then the metal spike which now pokes through the other heel sounds like my peg leg. If only it happened thirteen days from now, I would not only be honouring International Talk Like A Pirate Day, but also International Walk Like A Pirate Day. As it stands, however, it's pissing me the hell off and I'm getting it fixed tomorrow night.

Have to vote on Saturday, Queensland state election. Much as I believe compulsory voting is awesome, it's going to be really hard. I could vote for the Coalition even though they have stupid ideas about "the sanctity of families" (i.e., no gay marriage and no abortion for anyone, ever) because they have some very sensible policies about the water shortage and the totally buggered health system, or I can vote for Labor because they are closer to my general feelings about most things, even though they've buggered up the health system and want to build the totally fucking stupid Traveston Dam, which will displace an awful lot of people and screw up the habitat of some endangered creatures without actually alleviating the water crisis. It's too hard. I hate them both at the moment. The major problem is that there are no viable alternatives to the major parties. I like the idealism of the Greens but it's wishful thinking - you really can't take them seriously. They have lots of very good small ideas, but all the ideas they have for the big problems are totally impractical. Family First Party - no fucking way. They are getting my dead last preference. Anthony and I are considering voting at a church because it's more likely that their candidate and other religious loonies will be peddling how-to-vote cards there, and we want to pick a fight with them. :-D

What's really sad is that it's probably going to come down to the fact that the Labor candidate for my electorate came and handed out trophies to the kiddies on grand final day (due to the interstate absence of the U12's sponsor, the sitting Labor federal member Wayne Swan) and he was quite friendly and nice. I was only introduced briefly but he later congratulated me on my Div 6 girls winning even though I'm only a lowly Assistant Secretary and not really important enough to remember. That's the only positive thing I can find for any of them at the moment.

I don't want to go to selection trials tonight. Not only will it be horribly boring, but traffic north has been utterly awful for the last couple of days due to everyone going to Australia Zoo to lay flowers and khaki shirts at the door. I can only shudder with horror when I imagine what it's going to be like on the weekend.

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