Jan 29, 2011 21:12
JEOC certification - APR
Master's degree - MAY; The MS&T courses are complete in MAR but I need to get off my duff and register for an online calculus course
Certify with a minimum of 1/1 in Dari, Pashtu or Farsi - SEP (I start at the language school in MAY)
GAFMPB - I need to coordinate with the 1-11 POC to get in the mix, otherwise this will go by the wayside again
Air Assault - shooting for the 16 MAR class at Ft. Campbell; if I can't get in as a walk-on, I'm not confident I'll have another opportunity in the future
Bench press 100% of my body weight - currently at 81%; confident I can get up to 90%+ by MAR
Participate in Parkour - MAY; I found a gym in DC that specializes in parkour training, I just need to get back into my circuit training workouts to continue to develop my baseline
Vitamins daily - though I've missed a day or two this year, I've been consistent with taking them.
Progress on my 2011 reading list - This will be a monthly hit or miss effort again until OCT when I deploy, but the important point is to continue making progress, however slow...
Write!!! - yes... here it is again. In addition to blogging, I need to start my writing project. I have the ideas but they aren't going to write themselves. Part of this is to develop an outline of the story ideas; fleshing them out should follow.
Continue to spend quality time with Lilz and Manna - this year at FLW has been good for us to reconnect as a family. We just need to stay active and there is still room for improvement, particularly with Lily. Less TV and more learning time. And Manna deserves flowers. Regularly.
Stay connected with friends - Our sporadic visits to all of our friends should be less catching up and more 'here and now' oriented endeavors. With pictures.
2011 list