While I was staring at my new header earlier, I realized something;
I miss Toma's gorgeous neck, it was a great source of comfort.
But everyone must learn to move on and move on, I shall.
First of all, I have decided to enroll in a Japanese class. (Actually, it's a 2-month seminar thing, not actual classes where you have to be present and pass homework or things like that) Really basic stuff, just an overview of their culture, history and simple conversations. Nothing hard, my purpose of enrolling is to satisfy my curiosity, i've always wanted to know more about Japan and when I accidentally saw the flier/flyer? posted in the school bulletin, I lost my head completely and went for it. It started about a week ago and so far, it's been fun!
On the first day, I entered the wrong classroom, the Sensei was pure Japanese and he teaches in Japanese, if my understanding is correct, he discussed about studying in Japan and how you can get scholarships and where to apply. I sat in the far corner thinking "What the hell? I'm dropping this!" as I barely understood the lecture. Later, I found out that I entered a GRADUATING class.
So Sensei accompanied me to MY actual classroom and the person who opened the classroom door was as flamboyant and as fabulous as Matsumoto Jun...With blond hair.
I sat beside this normal looking girl and when we partnered up and introduce ourselves to each other, she opened her notebook and there I saw the most terrifying thing I have ever seen in my life.
A half-naked picture of Akanishi Jin.
She caught me staring and was all, "Oh, this is actually my brother's."
Inner me was like, "Yes, because it's practically fandom law that every JE fangirl's younger brother must have a naked picture of Akanishi Jin pinned to his binder." (And anyone who disobeys will be sentenced to 48 hours of MatsuJun's singing.)
I denied all knowledge of JE.
The next day she brought a DVD and offered to lend me her copy of YUKAN club.
I dropped the class.
Second, if you noticed, I changed a few things aside from the layout (although technically, it was Rei who did that. Lol) I unlocked some of my old entries and promoted a few things. If there is anything you'd want me to unlock, tell me and i'll unlock it for you. (Not that ANY of my posts are in any way useful to anyone but I wouldn't really know.) The only thing I can't seem to change is my Pi-tanuki (Pi-raccoon) icon.
Third, i'm sorry about the font color, my eyes also suffer everytime I attempt to read. I am still in the process of figuring out how to change it. Meanwhile, i'm just clinking "black" in the entry color box to darken the letters.
Fourth, I need your help. I have decided that I may actually want to do an INTRODUCTION post. I know it's about a YEAR late but I figured it's about time I post one of those "This journal is friends-only" banners and officially become part of the LJ masses. (since i'm cleaning up and starting over and all that) So how about telling me how you view/see me and we'll start from there? I can correct wrong impressions in my info page, beside, i've always wanted to know how I come across to my f-lists-readers-stalkers-lurkers. So please? Feel free to be as honest/vindictive/spiteful/straightforward as you want, if there's one thing i'm not, it's sensitive.
And no, I didn't really drop the class. LOL.
One day, I will learn to make SHORT entries. I swear it.