I have good news....

May 08, 2007 00:04

I just...got an internship with 944 magazine here in las vegas...boo-ya-ka-sha!!! it helped that i already knew the guy who interviewed me thanks to KK and his connections. i met the guy a week ago at the TKE party. network! network! network! it pays to b/s with people and build those connections just cant burn any bridges. for my millions and millions of readers who dont know what 944 is, it's a fashion/lifestyle/entertainment magazine catered to the city that they are in. there are offices for la, sd, lv, oc, miami, denver, ny, and a few more i cant remember off the top of my head.

but yea...theyre pretty much the hippest-ahead of the game type of crowd who got all the connections to the hot spots in las vegas. a brunt of my work will most likely consist of a lot of "bitch-work" but that comes with the territory. hopefully along the way though there will be a few things that come my way to reward me with all the work. i hope to build more relationships there that will hopefully open more doors in the future.


Cosmo Radio

i was listening on my way home and they usually have a stat survey that people can call in and answer to win a prize. it was, "28% of men would love their woman to do this..." i was like oh man let me try and call and win. first try i kid you not i got through and was surprised! when the dj answered i was like "cosmo radio?" and the guy was like yea...i froze for a second since i was still shocked that i got through. i gave me anwer "role play" but unfortunately i was wrong. but wow couldnt believe i got through first try.


so the playoffs have officially begun since the first round is so boring with the exception of the warriors. i think pretty much everyone in cali/nv is rooting for them to win because i know we are connected to someone out there in the bay. they shoulda won tonight effin boozer and his rebounding skills.

come on bulls where are you at?



2  finals tomorrow, 2 wed, and one on thursday. i really am not too worried about them since i'm positioned at a good spot with my grades. still cant take them too lightly or the unexpected could happen


heroes was cool tonight...if you could be any hero who would you be sean or anyone else? you cant pick sylar or peter since they steal everyones powers, and if you could create your own power what would that be?

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