Feb 04, 2011 06:39
I had a recurring dream last night. I had it once earlier in the week, but last night I had it 3 more times. Each time was a bit different, but I will string it all together as best I can.
I was at some conference, and Bre was there. She couldn’t find her room, so I offered to help her. I got her to her room and she gave me a key, but the key ended up being some giant confusing puzzle. This is where I woke the first time last night. My pillows and blanket were all crazy. I think 5 of my 6 pillows were in different positions on the bed.
I managed to get back to sleep. But almost immediately I was in another dream. Same one, only this time we had gone to some picnic type lunch. There was a man there, he looked kind of like my brother, but not really. He had a big patch scar on his face, and beside him he had a gun. I remember trying to kiss bree and feeling like he was going to shoot me with the gun. I woke up again.
After about 30 more minutes I fell asleep again. Back into the dream, only now I was fighting for Bre in a gladiator type setting. I was fighting 2 guys in a collesium. They beat me quick the first time, head butting me and putting me out. I came back to fight them and they started head butting and I woke up again, with my pillows all messed up.
Decided I was done with it and got up for the day long before 5 am