Week in Review - Week Ending June 27th

Jul 01, 2009 06:01

Last week was extremely enjoyable, even if it seemed to zoom by far too quickly. I started the week with a visit to Ona_Tangent and ScottAK, got to hang out with IceSpark and Pandara during the week, had lunch with StephanieBCL, and then spent the weekend celebrating my three-year anniversary with LilDomino by driving down with her to Evansville to spend time with HotaruGirl. Woot!

Last Sunday morning when I got up Ona_Tangent was already awake. I joined her in the living room and we watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. When ScottAK woke up he made us breakfast before they left to see Ona_Tangent’s dad for Father’s Day. I hung out in their apartment and read HPOP until they got back. We took a micro-nap and then went to ScottAK’s family’s house. They were extremely nice, and man, they can cook - I may have to invite myself up there every Father’s Day! I had a great time with them all.

Last Monday morning I drove back to Indianapolis to go to work. The phones were insane all day and I was relieved when things finally calmed down in the evening before I escaped. That night I went over to IceSpark’s to roleplay on the MUX. IceSpark hadn’t been feeling well so she was treating herself to the five-hour version of Pride and Prejudice - apparently Colin Firth is a panacea. I ate quickly and jumped online. Since the event that was supposed to happen that night failed to get off the ground, I hung out for a while and then logged off. IceSpark and I watched G.I. Joe: Resolute before calling it a night and snuggling up to sleep.

Last Tuesday night I took some time to myself to catch up on my huge backlog of email, journaling, and laundry. I still have a ton to do at home, but some time for just me was very good. I pleasantly wasted a lot of time trying to read everything on the Internet, and then buckled down and got some productivity done before bed. I stayed up late but was still able to sleep until I woke up on my own, fifteen minutes before my alarm.

Last Wednesday night I went back over to IceSpark’s after work. She was passed out asleep, exhausted after derby practice. I let her sleep while I talked to Ona_Tangent on the phone and then carefully woke her up to see if she wanted to hang out or go back to sleep for the night. We moved to the couch to hang out and chat, but IceSpark was still really sleepy, so before long we decided to give up and just go back to bed.

Thursday I had lunch with StephanieBCL before work, and after work picked up Pandara and brought her back to my apartment. Pandara wanted to help me with my latest attempt at healthier living, so she offered to work out with me in my building’s exercise room. I only spent about 20 minutes on the elliptical machine, but it was a start if nothing else. I steamed some pasta and veggies for dinner and then we called it a night.

Friday morning I brought Pandara to check out a car, which she bought (yay self-mobility!). We had lunch with LilDomino, and then LilDomino brought Pandara home so I could go into work. After work I went to LilDomino’s, who managed to stay awake about 10 more minutes after I got there before passing out completely. I stayed up for a while reading more HPOP before turning off the light and joining her in slumber.

Saturday and Sunday LilDomino and I were celebrating our three-year anniversary, so we went down to Evansville to spend all weekend snuggled in bed with HotaruGirl. We picked up my sister on the way down to Bloomington, and hung out with my mom for about an hour before heading over to HotaruGirl's. HotaruGirl cooked dinner Saturday night and made breakfast Sunday morning so we never had to leave her apartment! We got in plenty of lazy cuddles as well as spending time with her roommate while he played Final Fantasy X and worked on his chainmail. It was a wonderful escape and HotaruGirl made sure we both had an excellent time (without spending any money besides gasoline). Happy anniversary, LilDomino! Thanks for being so amazing! Thanks as well to HotaruGirl for a fantastic time during our visit! B)

"Mere factual innocence is no reason not to carry out a death sentence properly reached."

-- Surpreme Court Justice Scalia

indianapolis, woot!, health, ona_tangent, anniversary, mux, pandara, icespark, evansville, hotarugirl, derby, week in review, lildomino, weekend, sleep, sister

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