Dec 01, 2005 21:26
just translated this from the latin. it is the best song EVER.
A Cursing Song
May the thief of my hat die in death:
May death be sudden and unforseen;
And may continuous penalty follow after death,
May he not delight in the Elysian fields after crossing the Lethe.
May the thief of my hat fall by a cruel death:
May fever, leprosy, and plague invade him,
May the Lord scratch him from the book of life,
May Aeacus hand him over to be tortured with tortures.
May his life be brief and its end terrible,
And may he not live happily for two days in a row,
May Cerberus lacerate him with his canine teeth,
May a fury torture him gravely once he’s mangled.
May he be excommunicated in field and in dwelling,
And may no one see him in direct light,
May he always sit alone like an outcast;
May he be tortured in his bed with the punishment of Tartaus.
If anyone hears this excommunication,
And does not observe the bishop’s sentence;
Unless he comes to his senses correcting his sins,
May he be anathema. May it be done, may it be done! Amen.