let's hear it for america's sweethearts

Jan 02, 2009 22:18

I've had the song America's Suitehearts on repeat for the last hour and~ I took a music theory class and learned how to talk about music without sounding stupid, but SASDKLFHLJAJLSDFH! I must confess, I'm in love with this song.
Patrick, let's have lot's of brilliant musical babies and I'll knit them hats.

Also, if you go to it'snotjustafad.com you can download a master of America's Suithearts for Garage Band. I love listening to all the different guitar parts. I'm always trying to separate the rhythm guitar parts in songs from the lead guitar parts. It's one of those things my ear has a lot trouble separating.
In that music theory class, I always had a hard time with listening quizzes. My teacher would play the piano and we'd have to write out the notations. Guh, that was torture. Not so much the rhythm part, but finding the actual notes and using half steps and ugh. Oddly enough, I could play my flute by ear. My teacher thought I was an idiot.

And in totally unrelated news... RESOLUTIONS

1. I will not be drinking whole bottles of wine anymore. I'm not 18 and stupid anymore. Not that all 18 year olds are stupid, just, I was. Waking up drunk after sleeping for 8 or so hours will never be cool.

2. I need to finish one book a month. When I was younger I would have rolled my eyes at anyone who didn't read more than two or three books a month, because how lazy could you be, right? Now I find that between my short attention span, real life distractions, and the internet I'm lucky to finish one book a month. I might start two, finish one, and then start another. It's wholly disappointing.

3. I need to include cardio in my daily routine. I haven't really done any consistent cardio since my gym membership ended a little over a year ago. (I think that my pants agree.)

4. I need to find a balance between kindness and safety. Like, I hate letting strangers use my cell phone and sometimes the homeless guys in my neighborhood creep me out, but knowing the names of the homeless people I see on a daily basis and lending my phone to someone are probably okay.

5. Stop procrastinating. It explains itself.
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