Tweaky Tweaky Tweaky

Jan 12, 2009 13:45

So, seven days in, and I am already some kind of awesome rock god*

So much so that at my first ever ever bass lesson** I discovered that part of the reason I was having trouble keeping the strings fretted was that the neck of my guitar was more suitable for Robin Hood than John Paul Jones. The other part was that I'm trying to hold the neck like a damn violin and not a guitar. Grrr.

So today, with the sky threatening to empty another bucket of England's finest recycled fog all over me I strode swiftly back to the Bass Center and said "sort it aaaht" in my best South London accent.*** Some large amount of twanging and the wielding of a bizzare variety of allen keys later the device now has a much btter feel to it, and may even support me learning to play without having to have my arms shortened and an extra wrist joint inserted.
This is a good thing.

In news of the rest of the world, things are looking Iffy at work. We've now got two publishers hemming and hawwing about signing new products. Both of them saying that we're top of their list of developers, but neitehr willing to put pen to paper for fear that the present economic climate bodes ill for anyone actually trying to make money. So of course the best idea is to just sit on it and spend nothing until someone else makes everything better.
Of such attitudes are recessions made.

On the home front things are significantly less gloomy, Best Beloved's Birthday Bash saw The Us Lot gather in the college arms. Which to our distress and amazment was full to bursting with students and their coats. We were however a large and menacing enough gang of nutters that we managed to blag a table and seat almost everyone around it.
To my delight a certain smokingboot also arrived, bringing the scent of pale musk and dragging speed lines behind her like the long train of a fey queen's wedding gown. Albeit a fey queen who's a tad on the busy side, having had to rush straight from a meeting with a couple of dodgy centaurs and stop off to do a couple of quick curses on the way.
BattleKitty seems to have crawled out from her place of hiding and was persuaded to sup a wee pint or two as we spoke of gassifying wood into hydrocarbons and the destruction of wind turbines by flying cows.
We spoke with rotwang and bibliogirl about putting the band back together, and with pengshui_master about games involving dice.
To cut an othwerwise long and no doubt tedious tale back to its essential elements I was surrounded for much of the evening by wonderful and interesting people.

In short, (cough) I never have any fun...

*May not contain actual awesome.
**Yes, I'm taking lessons, yes I am starting at the beginning, no I don't feel like a child again.
***I did too, and it was funny, because we were in south london at the time.
Oh well, please yourselves...
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