It's That Time Again

Nov 01, 2007 19:58

Party Warning

In all too short a time the old year will drift away from us, to be replaced with a new, sparkly and even more impressive year.

A new and shiny year.
We like this. Infact we like it so much we're going to celebrate with a gathering, a large heap of combustible material and a truely staggering quantity of booze.

We'd also like you to help.
Yes, you! You're invited.

The Gourdfest may or may not occur, it depends on the year's cheese rain quotient.
I fear we may ahve done rather too well over the last few times and the level of chaos in the world may actually be dropping.
Or perhaps you disagree, tell me about it ?

The Book of Love 2006 will be celebrated, and the book of hate 2007 will be written and then ritualy burned. Scorn and derision optional.

The gathering itself begins at oooh, let's say eightish on the day, and anyone who wishes to arrive earlier may be roped into chopping wood or keeping pussycats amused in preperation for the festivities.

Crash space can be arranged for those chosen few who squeak first and loudest.

Bring fireworks if you wish, bring symbolic evils of the past to be burned away.
I'm serious about this.
Even if you don't beleive in all this tree hugging, yoghurt weaving hippy crap. Let's get rid of a whole slew of unhappiness in a burning pyre. Life should become sweeter year on year.

If you don't know where drop me a comment with an email address and I'll bounce you a map.
If you don't know when consult a reputable calender.

Love and Kisses all.
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