Two things.
One Fluffeh, one not so.
Portal is fun, play Portal.
Also be nice to the
guy who wrote the end credits song, he's excellent.
Here's one of his
otherswhich in places is a little close to the bone.
That's teh Fluffeh.
This Isn't.
2) A chum of mine has been told she's going to die. That cancer is going to kill her.
Fuck that.
If you see a tall thin bastard with a sythe heading for London, twat the fucker, he needs to learn respect.
I'm absolutly serious on this one, some guy in a white coat pulls on his black hat and hands down a death sentence, is he god or anything that resembles it ?
Does he have the actual power to make such things come to pass ?
Then fuck him and his doomsaying.
Every fucking breath is a victory against that kind of shit.