A03 meme

Apr 20, 2021 12:51

Seen most recently by tinturtle and gilda_elise but also various other people before then, when I was still at the no-I-must-get-this-work-done-first stage, and didn't... either really... *headdesk*

The more I think about it too, the less representative this is if I stick to what I've got around to posting on A03... A03 ≠ My Fandom Writing.

1) How many stories have you posted?
99 - ha, I need to get another one up there, don't I? *g*

2) In what categories?
All m/m

3) What ratings?
Mostly I don't rate them unless they're explicit. The differences between "Teen and up" and "Mature", for instance, make no sense to me in a practical way. It's absolutely subjective, for a start - what makes something a "mature" subject, and how do you define someone as "mature" anyway? I know plenty of 50-somethings who I wouldn't necessarily describe as "mature"! And what teen is not going to think they're "mature", or want to explore the "mature" or "explicit" rating anyway? And why should general audiences not read about people in a sexual relationship, how else are they going to learn what can be normal? "Explicit" makes sense as a rating - we might not always want to read explicit stuff over our cornflakes, or if we're not feeling that way inclined for whatever reason, but not the others...

4) How many fandoms?
Really just one - Pros of course - but I've also written two Yuletide stories, and a few cross-overs. So technically seven on A03:
Charm of Magpies
The Dark is Rising
AI (Artificial Intelligence, 2001 film)
Back to the Future
Ghost in the Shell
PG Wodehouse - Works
I've also co-written an Astreiant fic, but my co-writer has vanished, so posting it is now somewhat complicated...
Hmmn - do my Two Go... stories count as Famous Five cross-overs, I wonder? They're alternative versions rather than cross-overs, but then so is What-ho, lads an alternative version rather than a cross-over, and I added that fandom. Hmmn... Any thoughts?

5) How many fandoms where you've written more than 10 stories?
One. *g*

6) Any fandoms where you were the first to post a story for it?

7) Any fandoms where your story is still the only one posted for it?

8) How many fandoms that are still Yuletide sized?
Remind me what's Yuletide-sized? Big assumption that we're all remembering that kind of stuff... Although I do remember that according to AO3 Pros is Yuletide-sized, but according to Yuletide Pros is not Yuletide-sized, so are you conflating A03 and Yuletide or not? Because choose!
Clearly at least two of the fandoms I wrote for are Yuletide-sized, because they were written for Yuletide...

9) How many fandoms where there are still less than 5000 stories posted for it at AO3?
Without checking each one, I should imagine all of them. Although as one of the original fandoms, Pros has over 4000 stories on the ProsLib dvd alone, another 3000 on A03, about 2000 on the Circuit Archive, and then Hatstand has some stories not on CA. Then there are all the zines, and the UK paper circuit library stories. There's cross-over between the different archives of course, but yeah, I'd say Pros has over 5000 stories, just not all posted to A03... which is an example of A03 not being entirely representative of fandom in general...

10) How many megafandoms (over 50,000 stories posted for the fandom at AO3)?
None - I can't even imagine what those fandoms are...

11) How many AUs have you written where the settings, occupations, etc are completely changed?
None. Even in my sci-fi and historical AUs/crossovers the lads were still working for Cowley, so weren't completely changed. *g* Although when I look at my A03 story list I see I haven't posted all of those either. Maybe one, but I've not posted the Jack the Ripper ficlet yet.

12) How many canon-divergent and/or canon distorting trope (like soul marks, body swap)+canon AUs have you written?
None. And before anyone says "but the lads aren't having sex in canon" - yes they are, they just don't show it onscreen. *g* I wouldn't be writing B/D if I didn't think it was canon.
Unless the Ghost in the Shell crossover I wrote for minori_k counts, where the lads no longer have their ordinary human bodies, but are physically enhanced via GitS.

13) How many stories have you written that would require an AO3 content warning?
I don't do content warnings. The point of reading my stories is to read the stories and find out what happens as you read. I do appreciate that some people don't want to take the chance that there might be something they can't handle/don't like, and therefore won't read my stories. Fair enough.

14) What was the shortest number of words you've written?
100 - various drabbles.

15) How many words in the longest story you've posted?

16) How many crossover stories have you written?
Four - all Pros, with:
AI (Artificial Intelligence, 2001 film)
Back to the Future
Ghost in the Shell
PG Wodehouse - Works
Or is it five, if Famous Five counts? And I've not posted the Jack the Ripper story yet...

17) How many fusion stories have you written?
What's a fusion story that's not a cross-over story? Huh? Or maybe someone's now made that definition between a cross-over (in the canon world of both sources/using characters from them both) and a fusion (maybe where you fuse your own fandom with the world in which another fandom is set, without using the characters etc. in that fandom?) In which case I've mostly written fusion rather than cross-over stories.

18) How many RPF stories have you written?
None. I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea of it, because I'm not sure that I'd be comfortable if someone put me into a story like some of them out there... Or would I? Maybe it'd be fun... unless it made people believe something about me that was inaccurate and unfair... Which I would then have to go to the hassle of having taken down... Hmmn...

19) How many WIPs and/or series do you have posted?
Technically four series, but only one that is really more a series than a story-with-a-sequel.
No WIPs, although I've posted them elsewhere.

20) Do you have any fanfic that's completed but not posted to AO3?
Lots and lots and lots...!

writing talk, pros, meme

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