Yesterday and the day before...

Nov 21, 2020 10:51

Another work day today, and it's looking grey again - though not as grey as yesterday so far. The day before was intermittently better. I thought there might be another nice sunset, but there was a dragon and then a cloudbank, and the sun slipped quietly off...

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2020 in photos

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just_ann_now November 21 2020, 13:14:19 UTC
I'm not really a birdwatcher, but I do like to see wildlife in general, so this is fun!

...she says, after writing a whole paragraph about watching birds! I think you'll find it an enjoyable mental break.


byslantedlight November 22 2020, 23:24:04 UTC
Lol! I suppose I'd just expect birdwatchers to be able to name the birds they're watching... *g*


just_ann_now November 23 2020, 12:52:29 UTC
*waves arm* Pffffft. I'm happy if I can go with "sparrow", "small woodpecker", "that other woodpecker", "hawk of some kind". It's the watching, not the listing, I enjoy.


byslantedlight November 23 2020, 13:16:36 UTC
Hee - that's about where I am too. *g* Maybe just "watcher" would suit me as well - I like to see all sorts of wildlife out there! *g* (I'd even watch a Slayer, given training... *vbg*)


just_ann_now November 23 2020, 13:55:11 UTC
Maybe just "watcher" would suit me as well - I like to see all sorts of wildlife out there!

Yes, we are too! Squirrels both grey and black, bunnies, the occasional ground hog!


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