Yesterday and the day before...

Nov 21, 2020 10:51

Another work day today, and it's looking grey again - though not as grey as yesterday so far. The day before was intermittently better. I thought there might be another nice sunset, but there was a dragon and then a cloudbank, and the sun slipped quietly off...

This was the view from my office yesterday - and it's no so different today, although it's not raining right now.
It turns out to be an excellent hide too - I've watched the farm cats wander sneakily in and out before spotting me and scarpering again, and this morning I watched a whole flock of tiny birds and blackbirds nip in for a bite to eat. They checked out all the pots, and nibbled delicately around them, and went looking among the gravel. One disappeared under the bottom ledge of the door to the point that I wondered if I'd just seen a mouse instead - but then it reappeared on the other side and nipped up to check out my dogwood instead. They nibbled their way across the grass (what there is of it!) - I wonder if there are berries there, from the tree that overhangs. They all flew off, but now and then they fly back in and up to that tree, and yesterday I watched a blackbird eat half a dozen of the bright red berries. I'm not really a birdwatcher, but I do like to see wildlife in general, so this is fun!

Although it really doesn't help me concentrate on work! Back to it...

2020 in photos

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