Sunday 1st November - Am I still here?

Nov 01, 2020 23:19

Didn't I say I was going to post pics for October? And yet I went and automatically took some today, so... *g*

It's been a much more useful day too, so that was good. I ticked everything off yesterday's list, all ready to make a new list for tomorrow. Skyped with my brother's family first thing too - it's their first weekend out of lockdown (only 61 cases in Melbourne now) and W's birthday, and the Aussie equivalent of a Baker day at school (whatever they're called now - not Inset Days any more either, not teacher training... I do know...!) and it's Melbourne Cup Race Day on Tuesday, so it's a looo-ong first weekend out of lockdown for them too! And good weather forecast.

Meanwhile, here on the grim side of the world... last night I listened to owls that I could hear through my bathroom vent, and this morning I listened to birds through it. This evening I nipped out to measure something in the shed, and a bat swooped down.

Carpark leaves are still doing their thing.

But there's definitely a more wintry vibe around too!

Brilliant berries against the stone...

...and the village starting to look cosy as night began to settle itself in...

Oh yeah - and I was writing my nephew a birthday letter, when I realised that instead of writing "and wash our hands alot" I'd written "and wash our lads alot"... Now was that the autocorrect trying to perk me up a bit, or am I trying to tell me something...? *g*

autumn, 2020 in photos, winter

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