Saturday 17th October - an odd Saturday

Oct 18, 2020 19:12

(Oops, thought I'd posted this this morning - but it helps if you actually hit that button... *headdesk*)

Bit of an odd day today - started off by having to deal with the theft from our foodsaving project, and later that day it turned out to be someone who was recognisable as often going into the shop, and who possibly needs help, so we're trying to get in touch/work it out that way. But not my favourite start to a weekend, I have to say, and it all took up far too much time...

On a happier note, I remembered just in time that it was the Pros Watch on Twitch, and it was nice to "see" people there - *waves* Nice to see our lads too! I'm looking forward to more lads in my life again (and writing?) now that I'm in a warm dry (I do keep harping on about that, don't I?!) new place, and starting to get sorted again (new office has been delayed until next weekend though, cos the flooring shop was shut when M tried to go). I have at least been re-reading Siren by Sebastian, but not yet found the "worst line in any Pros fic" that tinturtle was wondering about the other week!

Then there was the usual supermarket run...

One thing about supermarkets, they're quite often surrounded by lovely autumnal trees!

I finally made apple crumble with the apples from my old place.

And the custard was with milk from this farm too, bought at the milk station at the end of the farm track (hee - milk taken from here to the milk station and then brought back again *g*) I chose pumpkin spice to flavour it this time, but couldn't really taste it in the custard. I didn't put any sugar in the custard apart from that syrup though, and it was entirely sweet enough. No sugar in the apples either, so there was only brown sugar in the crumble, and it was pretty good, if I do say so. *g* Walnuts in the crumble too - I always forget how much I like walnuts. *g*

Rabbiting, I am... I'd better go and get on with today, I think! I had wondered about going off to the seaside or something, but in fact I just feel like going out into the fields metal detecting, which is nicely peaceful and meditative with a side-order of exercise, and pondering my garden-to-be, and autumn, and perhaps the lads... so that's what I'm going to do. *g*

autumn, pros, pros reading, 2020 in photos

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