Friday 16th October - Friday, friday...

Oct 17, 2020 13:55

Another not-good-at-working day, with the result that it was a late night again... But that was also because I couldn't resist going out into the blue skies for a couple of hours (it was only meant to be one, of course...) with my detector before the sunset...

It was a lovely evening on the farm, with birds singing and mushrooms peeping at me from the grass. My favourite Gruffalo tree looks like they're enjoying it too. *g*

I found a few bits, possibly historically interesting, and then as the sun was setting and I was heading for home, there was one last beautifully clear high pitched tone - the kind of tone that sings gold! or silver! (apparently...) And I still don't know if it does, because this turned out to be a gun!

It's a little three-inch gun in fact, with "Special Agent" on both sides, but for just a minute I wondered if it might be real - it's heavy enough for it!

Ended the day on bad news though - someone stole a bag of food from our foodsaving volunteers tonight, just said "I'll take that" and walked out with it as the volunteer was collecting it! Sods! They can have regular bags of free food if they like! There's cctv of whoever it was, so hopefully the police will be able to track them down... But sorting this out isn't what I wanted to be doing this weekend! Grrr...

Ending this on a brighter note though - I'm trying to decide whether to sign up for Yuletide again this year. I quite enjoyed it last year, and the story was well-received (more A03 kudos than any of my Pros stories, in fact!) I've a fairly limited range of offerings and wants, but then I did get a lovely little Mathey/Lynes story for myself last year, so... well actually yes, perhaps I will sign up again!

yuletide, detectorist, 2020 in photos, writing

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