366 Photos - 364 - Two...

Dec 30, 2016 00:03

So, I like writing, right? I do, I'm sure I do! So why is it completely, utterly awful and the words have to be dragged kicking and screaming to get anywhere near paper (or screen *g*)? Just... gaaargh!

See, I had this brilliant idea when days needed filling at Dialj, that I would take another date, like various other people had, and I'd use it to post a story I've been working on since... 2007, I think. Possibly 2006, but probably 2007. I got a fair bit done to start with, as you do when you're inspired to write the story, and then amongst other things I left Alaska, and then years later I picked it up again and kept going for a fair bit more, and then I left that part of life too... It occurs to me, reading what I'm typing, that it's been around ten years since I started this story. It really needs finishing. There's over 32,000 words of it. Sixty-seven .doc pages, 12 font. There are pictures, somewhere (though not with the lads in). I've had all day, dedicated to this story. So, having re-read the 67 pages, and done some editing, how much more have I written today? Less than 400 words. Aaaaargh! I tell myself I had to catch up to where it was, and work out the plot again, and mull the rest of the plot and how it comes together and all, and it's true, but still... I wouldn't mind, but I've not really done anything else, either... *sighs* What happens to days like today?

I am gonna do this, though...!

Less whingingly - I can hear an owl outside as I type this. And the Bronte family film, To Walk Invisible was very good, I thought. And I'm optimistic that the low-grade headache I've had for the past couple of days might go away tomorrow. And the fairy lights on my Christmas tree are still pretty.

I hope you've had productive, satisfying days - someone should!

ETA - after I wrote this I put the pile o' papers back together, flicking through them, and as I did that I thought a-ha!, and started jotting down some more notes (but new, fresh ones *g*) and I think I know what I need to write for the end much better now. So thank you for letting me whinge - it helped! *g*

366 project2016, writing talk

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