366 Photos - 363 - Wednesday... minus three and counting...!

Dec 29, 2016 00:30

Wanted to stay in and write today, but the sun came out and I couldn't resist nipping off myself. My original plan was to go down to the levels and go for a walk, but I got distracted in Glastonbury - including by a dragon!

Gorgeous sunset tonight too - the colours! These pics don't do the rosy-apricot glow justice at all.

In other news, ack for everyone having lj-issues. My comments are being a bit glitchy, which I hope isn't a sign of badness to come - they're still taking a long time between me hitting post and actually loading. Uploading pics isn't instantaneous any more either, so I wonder if it was something to do with that which has caused problems... I had an email from lj this morning, extending my paid account for two weeks as an apology, bless 'em... Interesting checking out the support pages too - some people perfectly polite requests for help, other people complaining and demanding things be fixed! Yeah, that's gonna make people want to help you! Wonder how many of the rude ones have free accounts, too...! Lj support is based on volunteers offering replies too, and I bet there aren't nearly as many of them as there once were, considering how few of us there are now too - even once they do know what's going on themselves...

And on top of that, my internet's been glitchy too. Found out one part of it though - someone moved the router on Landlord's windowsill, which crashed me down to one bar rather than two or three - ack!

Anyway. Tomorrow is definitely writing. I've been watching Pros eps, and reading Prosfic too. Choosing by Kate McLean this morning, and actually just read Two Go Adventuring Again, cos I wanted to remind myself where the lads had got to with their pub and all, and was quite chuffed with it actually - I rather enjoyed it, and I was Doyle and giggled at a couple of my own jokes (well, Bodie's!) *g* Mind you, I could see bits of sticky-tape in the plot that I should have fixed, and remembered it was where I'd gone from this-is-what-happens to oh-no-that-doesn't-work-I'll-change-that, which then mucked up a later bit or two, so that I kind of did a double-take... oops. Not hugely badly, but... sorry about the double-take moment, anyone who read it and noticed! That's why it's better to leave time between finishing writing and finalising - you don't spot stuff when you're rushing and still in the same headspace both times.

And now I'm just rambling. Can't believe it's Wednesday already - I haven't even caught up with Dialj yet! I have fic to read there, too, but I've not printed it out yet... tomorrow! In between writing. *g* Okay, I am shutting up and going to bed!

366 project2016

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