I actually finished two day's work in one! It turned out to be the best assignment I've had for ages - straight-forward proofreading rather than secondary-translating, good English, written by people who know what they're talking about and how to say it - bliss! It was even kind of interesting - and there was mention of fanspace. *g* Thank you, writers! I can have my whole weekend after all! *g*
Last set of pics like this for a while though - the temperature was on the rise today. Below freezing still when I got up, and for most of the day, but then the trees began to drip, and now it's 5C above freezing. *sighs sadly* No more clear night sky either, it's all cloud. But I managed to nip out before that happened, so...
And - my flist is full of Pros-y gorgeousness, my dreamy Pros-y card is right in front of me (and I have time to email the artist now!), and - it's the weekend! *vbg* I've no idea what I'm going to do yet, but it's December, so it will involve Pros, and Christmas-y things, which is good. *g*
Happy weekend!