So, d'you remember I went to the rather cool Frome the other day, and had a wander around and all? Well, I stopped for a coffee, and cos I had my lactose enzyme pills with me, and they'd worked before, I thought I'll have a latte. Which would have been fine if I'd then actually taken one of the pills! But I got halfway down the street afterwards and suddenly thought uh-oh... So it was a bit of an experiment. And you know what? With the same timing as ever (the next night) my head started to pound... *headdesk* And I've had a horrid sick-y migraine-thingie all day today - waaah! And it was on my book group's Christmas do, as well - waah! It was fading when it was time to go, so I chanced it, but I didn't fancy a glass of wine with my meal, which I'd been really looking forward to. *sulks* And I'm probably going to have to work over the weekend to make up for it. *sulks more*
On the bright side, it was very cold and pretty outside today, even through the deep fog. Frosted webs everywhere, the original Christmas decorations!
And this is what the fog looked like from my mate's place, just before book group - ah, streetlighting!
On the other bright side, my headache's pretty much gone now that the day's done and it's bedtime...!
Oh - and the other other bright side? I received my first Christmas card today - and it featured Bodie and Doyle looking very... well, very. *g* I'm desperate to show you all, but I shall check with the fab card-maker first. *sighs much more happily*