Virtually Office Friday - happy eclipse!

Mar 20, 2015 10:39

Morning - happy eclipse, everyone who was under it! This was going to be an entirely different post, about how it was cloudy, and my camera was broken, and I'd not sorted out glasses or even an old Pringles container... and then just as I was about to put out my porridge, there was a shout from the yard "Come and see this!" and I thought oooh - ( Read more... )

sky, space and time, photos, archery, myvirtualoffice, wonderful things

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byslantedlight March 20 2015, 10:58:25 UTC
I'm just really chuffed that I got to see the eclipse with the peeps in the yard after all - and to take photos on my camera phone, which I just didn't think would work at all! It was also cool because something similar happened in the 1999 eclipse when I was in the Isle of Man. We went all around trying to find somewhere that wasn't cloudy, and in the end too the tram up Barrule (tallest hill/nearly mountain-but-not-really), just for the strange light and was looking up cursing the cloud when it cleared and I accidentally caught a glimpse of the sun with a bite out of it! No camera that time, but I saw it when I wasn't expecting to!

You can shoot any kind of bow you like in the club. Most people shoot with sights, and I was the only one there last night who didn't, and most of the blokes not only had sights, they had all the other contraptions that you can put on a bow and still call it a bow... which seems weird to me. Apart from feeling more comfortable shooting bare-bow, it's more what I imagine archery to be - the actual archery rather than all about the kit... But of course I say that now... *g*


gilda_elise March 20 2015, 14:27:59 UTC
Lol, yes, I remember when I took archery in college. Nearby to our field were the guys who shot for the archery team. Their bows looked like some sort of futuristic weapons, with all sorts of what thought of as "cheats" attached.


byslantedlight March 20 2015, 18:15:24 UTC
Their bows looked like some sort of futuristic weapons
Yes! And they had special stands for them that took up all the (very small) space behind the non-shooting line and that I was sure I'd trip over at some point... I expect I yet will! I was also rather bemused to be told that since I was shooting bare back, they'd give me an allowance as far as the points etc. that you needed to progress through the badges,cos it was harder... they should have been giving the people with kit handicaps I reckon, not making out that they were doing me a favour because I'd be less good at it! They're the ones cheating!


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