Morning - happy eclipse, everyone who was under it! This was going to be an entirely different post, about how it was cloudy, and my camera was broken, and I'd not sorted out glasses or even an old Pringles container... and then just as I was about to put out my porridge, there was a shout from the yard "Come and see this!" and I thought oooh - have they got viewers? And ack, cos no they didn't, but the sun was under cloud and they'd caught a glimpse under it and were looking... Don't look! I said, but it was too late by then, one girl said she'd been watching for three minutes... and then it turned out that when the cloud moved, you actually could get a half-visible shot on a phone cam (which is all I have left to me, right now - why didn't I think to fix my camera with the telescopic lens and remote control before the eclipse?), and then... well... I didn't look, but I couldn't resist aiming my own screen...
I must admit that my eyes are bit sore, but I think that's because I woke up with a stonking headache again... *headdesk* I must also admit that I forgot I left my porridge on the stove, and... burnt porridge... *headdesk headdesk* But a far more fun eclipse experience than I'd been expecting! *vbg*
So - it's 10.30am, I've not started work, but I did have a Calor gas delivery and then a total solar eclipse going on before breakfast, so... *g* Right - the rest of today... Too much proofreading, but on the bright side it seemed reasonable when I started it yesterday, and in theory it's actually an interesting project this time - an assessment of LGBT+ rights in Europe!
Oh! And - and-and-and! I am officially an archer, because I went and joined the improver's group last night, and that means joining the archery club, and that means joining the Grand National Archery Society! And I got to shoot bare-bow (no sights, which is so much better for me...) and we got six arrow at a time rather than three, and... and... *vbg*
Happy Friday! And the sun's coming out in blue-skyed glory even! Now, if only my headache would go away...
The Work Plan...
Work pgs 3-10
Supermarket trip for fresh air and non-screen etc.
A thousand attempts to get rid of my headache
Work pgs 11-14
Finally headache (mostly) gone
Work pgs 15-20
Fiddle practice
Work pgs 21-30
Work pgs 31-40
Work pgs 41-50
Work pgs 51-60
Work pgs 61-65
Hack-track walk
Writing... writing...
Book train tickets for next week - damn, forgot to take my diary for times etc...
Course assignment