A Virtual Office Monday...

Mar 02, 2015 10:30

I wasn't sure whether I'd do a virtual office today, I thought you might be a bit tired already of seeing it in your flists, but then someone said they quite liked walking by it, so... *g*

It's Monday - glump! Going to bed early helped though, because I did wake up earlier this morning, and am already feeling reasonably accomplished with household chores and various bits and bobs. A yellow helicopter has flown overhead, low. It rained hard when I woke, cleared to a blindingly blue sky, just now it's hailed, but the sun is still there.

And there was a weekend! How was your weekend? Mine involved two beaches (wandering legs I had, this weekend), one looking over the English Channel, and one looking over the Bristol Channel.

There was also a garden centre circled by a great flock of pigeons, who occasionally settled down and peered in to see what we were all buying (pots, since you ask... *g*)

Critters abounded - and bounded, come to think of it. As I was drive back from the Dorset Beach, something did just that in front of the car in front of me - I only caught a blur of motion. Then as I got to about the place it had been, something bounded across the road in front of my car - a deer! A proper, big, no-antlers, reddish-brown deer, leapt to the other side and over the fence and away. Cool I thought. A couple of hundred yard further on, there were two horseriders, which surprised me, because it was quite a fast busy road, but they were polite and said thanks for slowing down. And then I saw another few riders in the field on other side of the road, and one of them was wearing a red coat, and it all clicked. It was mid-afternoon, there was a hunt out, and those deer presumably weren't being frolicksome... Well, I hope they got away. What's wrong with a drag hunt?! Anyway - then the next day there were murmurations of starlings everywhere - one raced my car along the road at one point, which was like playing with them! Granted we used to just call them flocks of birds, but I do like the word murmuration... *g*

Oh, and that Broadchurch - I've been catching up on the first series, it's good, isn't it! (Except where it's horrible, because of people...)

How was your weekend?!

Right - today. Some goals:

(10.30-11.00) pgs 1-10 - 10.30am - 11.06am. Yeay! First stage complete!
(11.00-11.30) Fiddle practice -11.29am +lj.
(11.30-12.00) Writing +adding times to schedule! At least I didn't colour it in... *headdesk* Why does 20 minutes of writing feel like nothing compared to 20 minutes of proofreading someone else? *sighs* Also, laundry on spin. *g*
(12.00-1.00pm) pgs 11-20.
(1pm-1.30pm) Writing/plotting, lunch, reading
(1.30pm-2pm) pgs 21-30
(2-3.30pm) Lunch and laundrette

(3.30-4.00) pgs 31-41
4.00-4.30) Checking passport renewal stuff. They might have fixed the sexist pre-1983 requirements! That would be helpful!
(4.30 -5pm) pgs 1-5 - eep, bit behind because I paused to do some chores whilst doing the last half hour, so I'd better forge on and maybe have time to write at the end...
(5pm-5.30pm) pgs 5-10 - but stop being distracted! It's that time of day...
(5.30pm-6pm) pgs 11-18 - Yeay! *g*
(6pm) Fiddle practice and dinner before archery
(7pm) Off to archery!

Hopefully that'd be blocks of about an hour each time, and then breaks for fiddle and writing in between. But I'll see what else ends up having to be done...

Writing today, I think should be my Victorian story. I wrote 50,000 of it for NaNoWriMo, and have realised that the reason it wasn't working, is that I was writing the wrong story. I was focussing on one thing, when I should have been focussing on something completely different, so I'm mostly going to be starting again. Well, with scavenging. And my task today, I think is to get on with properly plotting out a plan (or planning out the plot), which I've been doing as realisations have come to me, but now need as a proper thing so that I can stop procrastinating. One thing I was wondering... once I've got going on it, is anyone interested in being a reader so that I can work out whether I'm on the right track and if anyone will even care about what's going on? I wouldn't post it, or if I did it'd be in a very locked post, but...?

And laundry. The washing's on, I'll have to take it to the dryer in town later.

Oh, and I need to renew my passport, which is always a bit nerve-wracking, cos obviously I'll get my passport back, but there's always the question of whether they'll renew my right to abode, even though there's no reason why they shouldn't, cos if they didn't... ack?!

And tonight is archery! The penultimate one - waaah! I'm liking it. So - let's see if I can get work done fast enough not to have be doing it when I get back from bows and arrows... *g*


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