There we are then. Sorted.

Aug 25, 2013 12:08

Well, this may be a mistake, based on recent experience, but... hello. *g* It's Sunday. It's wet outside (but not cold), and... *gulps nervously*... *whispers*... I've finished Job Two for the session. Yes, again. (To be fair I accepted a contract for the next bit of Job Two, which will go on until around November, but that generally comes in teeny-tiny bits and pieces, so that should be okay...). And this is my first weekend without any work of any kind since... May? Definitely May - before I'd even quit Dayjob, before I'd even been on holiday. A work-free weekend! Nothing even lurking! Wheeeee!

And I can walk again. And drive. And do all the exercises on my physio sheet, finally... I'm even de-stapled, and - lushness of all lushness - allowed to take showers again. Two weeks of doing that thing where you hover one leg outside the bathtub, wishing you were brave enough to just cover it with plastic and hope for the best, and also that you're not about to slip and break your neck on top of everything else, was far too long... I'm still hobbly, but it's getting better at last. I can walk up and downstairs! Yeay!

I am in the mood for Wonderful Things, so here are some... *g*

(from Today's Observer)

People doing really good things in the world - sensationalist headline or none... I so need to hear about more things like this.

A snippet from Fair's Point, the next Astreiant book by Melissa Scott! Still too far away (next spring) but it's coming! Good books are a Wonderful Thing. *g*

There's something scary about this report, following the detention of David Miranda, but the scariness is what people will do with it - the thing itself pretty amazing:
The principle of laser spying is comparatively simple. The conversation inside a room moves the air; the air moves the windows. A laser beam aimed at the window will shift slightly in wavelength as the window moves. By tracking that shift, the movement of the window can be inferred - yielding the original conversation.
Now, if our lads hadn't retired by now, I guess they would have known all about it... and hopefully not be on the scary side...

Currently one of my favourite vids. It's like looking at a patch in the night sky, then putting your glasses on and looking at a patch in the night sky, then looking through binoculars at the same patch, then a telescope... there are just more and more stars and wonderful things to see every time. And then... the Hubble Deep Field...

image Click to view

Okay, not quite finally for now. Finally for now, my camera's telephoto lens is a Wonderful Thing too. It's not good, because it was taken out of my window, hand-held, without much thought, but how amazing is it that the picture I ended up with shows craters on the moon, actually as craters on the moon (over by the edge - the "lunar terminator)?

Imagine if I bought a tripod... *g* I've decided that one of the next goals of my life is going to be taking those amazing pictures of the Milky Way at night...

And catch up with emails. And probably go and have another shower... and drive somewhere. And walk up and downstairs a few times. Just cos I can. *g*

space and time, real life, wonderful things

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