Surprise Sunday...

Aug 19, 2012 22:17

Two days posting in a row - ooh!

It was supposed to get to 32C today, so I sorted that out as best I could by heading north to meet a Pros-y friend in the cool shadows of Sherwood Forest. Imagine our surprise to arrive (separately) and discover it was the final day of the Robin Hood festival...

(Ha - love the expression on the kid's faces in the background... *vbg*)

Something strange happening in the woods...

'twas this maiden, making magic... giant bubble-y magic... oooh...

The Major Oak...

And other venerable trees... the one that's bound makes me... uncomfortable...

The trees were cool and shadey every now and then, but even Sherwood Forest was hot and sticky and yuck today (not even counting the hundreds of strollers and sprogs around to be tripped over... grrrr!) - thank goodness for happy Pros-y chat, and lunch and ice cream and fire-eaters! Too short though - always too short. I want another weekend, please! And more meeting-up-with-mates, and... oh, more cool breezes - many more!

Hope everyone else had nice (and cooler) weekends... *g*

photos, wanderings - england, real life

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