"Where's the stopcock?" - "I don't know, cock..."

Aug 07, 2012 22:42

Sooo Plumber has fixed the shower using the old ball bearing and a bit of tape. Or summat. And Landlady has cleaned all the nasty hardwater that blocked the showerhead. We can haz shower.

Or... we might have been able to if only we had any water at all now...

...cos the other problem Plumber found yesterday was that the main stopcock to the house was jammed on, so if there'd been a water emergency, we would clearly all have drowned. So he went out to the bit of the pipe that leads into our house and has it's own stopcock, which is under those wee manhole cover-y things that each house has, on the pavement outside. Only when he lifted the lid (me looking on, going "well fancy that"), he peered down and said "Um, there seems to be a bit of a leak here..." and when I peered down there was a bit of a leak, the whole thing was underwater... So he called the WaterBoard, and the WaterBoard came (very quickly) and... apparently made it even worse. So the WaterBoard went away, and we were Not Allowed To Use Water (but they left us some massive bottles of spring water, which was impressive) and then the WaterBoard came back and fixed it, and now there's a very large damp patch across the pavement outside our place (and oddly enough, down our wee drive), and a Plumber under the sink. At 9.41pm. And I have a gargh headache and really want to go to bed, but not without doing things that Require Water! Gargh!

So to cheer myself up, I'm posting some pics I took of Water about three weeks ago, when we had all that rain...

Also, there was good sky that day...

Also (again, part 2), I may have to go and buy myself some more Goons - my favourites are The Treasure of Loch Lomond, The International Christmas Pudding, and possibly Robin Hood... Oh, and by finding that link for you, I've also found some free downloads - wheeeee! But I still will have to stock up. Anyone want to recommend favourite eps for me to track down? Ooh, I could also have made my subject header - He's fallen in the wa-ter... *vbg*

See - I'm staying cheerful. Also - Plumber Has Left! We have water! Where it's supposed to be! And I'm taking me 'eadache off to bed - maybe I'll dream Spike Milligan-type dreams... *g*
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