Tuesday stuff from Saturday...

Feb 09, 2010 08:30

So... I finished this session's marking - huzzah! Very odd it is too - didn't know what to do with myself last night, not having to sit in front of the computer and decipher panicked handwriting for a couple of hours, so I watched some more Northern Exposure - one of my favourite ones, First Snow, which made me just a wee bit more homesick for Alaska... NE's pretty close in alot of ways (though the trees are way to tall for where I was... *g*)

Oh, and hmmmn - this is what my world looked like in February 2007!

But this is what my world looked like on Saturday, when I went off for an adventure somewhere new, which turned out to be the noisiest forest in the whole world...

There was mist, and a lake, and ancient, ancient trees...

And paths through clearings and through woods...

This was a lovely old tree...

And this one was an elegant old lady...

But this one had eyes... and this one had skellingbones dribbling down it! Ooooh... *g*

But over it all - Stansted airport! The M11! A thousand different roaring things, so that instead of feeling all peaceful for my walk, and quiet and still, the modern world was roaring and thrumming in my head and I had to get out of there! It was weird too - the deeper I walked into the woods, the louder it all was... Which is a real shame, because the trees were lovely - and properly old too, over 600 years, some of them - the "pollarded" oaks... Stoopid roaring world...

Except that stoopid roaring world also has Remakes, Reboots and Re-imaginings on at the BFI at Southbank tonight and I'm going! I'm going to see the lads on the big screen! Wheeeee! I suppose it's too much to hope that there'll be movie posters, but... *sighs happily* And there'll be an ep of The New Professionals too, which I've never seen, and which agentxpndble very cleverly and timelyly posted about last night...

And now I suppose I'd better go to work for - whee, three hours! - so that I can hit the road and brave the cold and get meself to the big smoke... *vbg*

northern exposure, pros, photos, real life, alaska, see the world!, cabin

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