First of all, a big hooray cos I finished marking in time - although they've already given me extra, and we're not even at the bonus deadline yet, never mind the regular one... *g* But yeay, officially finished!
Second of all - they missed out the whole Northwest Passage thing from
Empire of the Seas, which waah, but still it was kind of a decent
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But you know, I've had people 'vanish' in RL too, and trying to track them down has once or twice met with hostility, so I'm cautious. I suppose it depends how close you think you are/were. A friend deserves at least a wave of farewell or an announcement before a journal closes.
I know I regard most of my f'list as friends - the real kind! - and I would try very hard not to vanish but if I did there would be people who knew why - maybe we all ought to have virtual next-of-kin mentioned in our info pages?? For the record, kat_lair, fledge (my daughter), and margaret_r would know where I was unless we're talking nuclear holocaust.
I actually regard many of my online friends as more 'real' than my RL friends because I share more, open up more, etc. And the instant support and advice in any trouble, however trivial, is worth a lot! (So are the squees when something goes well.)
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