Icon mememememe!

Feb 04, 2010 13:38

From jojosimco...

Audience participation is optional but the mememememe is as follows:

1. Reply to this post saying "ME! ME! ME!", and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee.

She chose these five of my icons...

And I'm leaving them as a strip because they're so pretty... I like my icons... *g*

The first one is one I don't use nearly often enough, and do I do rather love it - it's Don DeMarco, from Ladder of Swords, playing the fiddle at dusk, and there are four of my favourite things, right there... I adore that time of day, when the stars are just coming out, and everything is magical - or perhaps because it could be magical, it's a time in between the world of day and the world of night, where everything might become possible... And Don DeMarco is my second-favourite MS character - I love that he's so real and unheroic, which is what makes him utterly a hero... And hee - I even made that icon myself... *g*

The second one was made by our empty_mirrors, and is just Doyle looking ve-ery pretty... Something about his eyes, and the light and the shadows made me think straight away of all the references to Doyle as looking like a "fallen angel", so that's what I call this one in my userpics! It's from Wild Justice, of course, when the lads are doing Kate Ross' tests on "Herbie", so I use it as my computer-y icon, pretty much as a good excuse to use it... Though I really shouldn't need one... *g*

The third icon... I like the light on it, and I like Doyle being think-y, and the idea of Doyle in bed (cos Bodie's clearly just out of shot on the other side, so it's a lovely plot-bunny icon too... *g* I picked it up from a post on the_safehouse, from before I was in Pros, made by imbeiaiel...

The fourth icon is of course from my wee holiday to Torchwood. I found it in my random search for TW icons, made by fivealive, and I adore the colours and dusty tones of it - they're bright but also mutedAnd of course I also love the idea of Jack falling asleep on Ianto like that, although of course this was from a photo taken of JB and GDL at a con, so it's just got a whole added dimension to it right there... *g*

And finally - the fifth icon, which is one of my oldest ones, made by enednoviel long ago when she was in Pros, and adapted by hambelandjemima into my snowy icon. Again it's the colours I love, and the light - and of course that the lads are looking at the same thing, totally in accord, working together... The light on it reminds me of my favourite days, when I first got to England - that misty autumn/winter light, that sort of softens the whole country, and seems... gentle, somehow. And I most associate that with getting the ferry from IOM to Heysham when I was a student, which was escape - so again, it's all about the promise of wonderful things to come - possibilities and the magic of one day...

pros, ms - ladder of swords, real life, icons, see the world!, torchwood, meme

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