Pros-y pics and fics and chats please?

Feb 04, 2010 11:18

Today is grey and today is blargh, although it's not as blargh as yesterday was - for no apparent reason yesterday was the epitome of blargh, and actually everyone I spoke to said that they'd had a lousy day too, except for a 6 year old who'd had a great time. Today so far is better, but...

I don't suppose you'd help me make it properly better? Sort of kick-start the way to a good weekend, maybe? By posting something Pros-y in your own ljs, so my flist becomes all gloriously Pros-y, which is always happy-making?

For example...

...the lads interrupted - a pic from our gorgeous Lorraine Brevig (up at the Circuit, so presumably it's fine to copy over to here - let me know if not! I was going to put the other Circuit one up too, but it's not work safe... *g*)...and from our gorgeous Crimson, from the 2007 Dialj Christmas Special... *sighs for happy lads*...

Anyone else...? Fave pics, or zines or icons or... oh, anything Pros-y, really... Please? Make blarghy days better? *g*

pros pics, pros, pros rec

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