Questions, questions, questions...

Apr 14, 2009 07:55

Good morning! Feeling much more alive - now that it's time to go back to work... *headdesk* Actually I did yesterday too, and got lots of sort-y out things done, which was fab. And then just as I was going to settle in to catch up on emails...

Is anyone else having problems with googlemail? My googlemail is ridiculously slow right now - it's sort of pausing before it does anything... Anyone else, or is it just me and I need to be really worried? (A quickscan hasn't picked up anything nasty, I've got a bigscan running right now...)

OTW people - can anyone tell me how the hell you let someone know there's mistaken/misleading info up on a page at Fanlore? I spent an hour surfing around trying to find out how yesterday, to no avail! It's great to see that the person editing the Pros page has included Palelyloitering, but it's neither a list like the Yahoo lists she's grouped it with, nor is it a "gen and slash" list - it's very much slash-based with gen thrown in to help slashers avoid it! Gaaaah! Yes I know I could register and spend hours figuring out how to edit the pages myself etc etc, but I'm already behind with so many fandom things, and if I take on one more thing I'll explode - never mind doing even fewer of them well. And yet I don't like being misrepresented either. Surely there must be somewhere people can point out inaccurate information?

Red Shirt Press posted a very disappointed post the other day about cancelling their forthcoming Pros zine through lack of submissions. Apart from their single post to Safehouse, did anyone see any publicity about it anywhere else? Did anyone think about submitting? They're blaming the internet culture in Pros for lack of submissions (I commented to suggest that more publicity might have helped) but I kind of think a better job might have been done in asking us to submit! After all - who are they?! I even flisted their lj and didn't see any further posts about the zine (reminders, requests, etc) after their first one. Gaaaah!

And finally - ooh, this has turned into a bit of a grump again! - the Amazon thing? I see they're now blaming an employee in France. WTF?! I've been willing to give them the benefit of the doubt to some extent so far - everyone fucks up now and then, as long as you're honest and you fix it then I can understand and forgive - but why in the world make the point/imply that the employee was French? What relevance does that have to anything except to make a more villainous scapegoat (France still being en vogue as a baddie, I've noticed) and to distance itself from what happened? No, it wasn't us, it was some idiot in France... I don't think so! I'm peeved - I want them to work this out, but they've just made it so much worse in my eyes!

On the bright side - I'm going to catch up on stuff today, I am! Off to loiteringpalely! *g*

livejournal, zines, computers

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