Lads in Gibraltar posts? And ads in my lj wtf?!

Mar 31, 2009 08:41

Okay, I give up... someone's asked me about the lads in Gibraltar, and I was trying to find the post where some of us were talking about it, and I think there was a picture posted (and it might even have been me that did it, but it might not have... that one of the lads exercising with the WReNs, and they do that very explicit star-jump...) I seem to remember stories and explanations in the chat about it, but can I find it...? Maybe it was our metabollick? londonronnie? Someone clever like that?

I so need a way to index brilliant lj-entries... I'm gonna either have to get to grips with Memories (I don't like their index system!) or figure something else out... *headdesk*

In other bizarreness this morning (I'm trying to catch up on everything and I think my head might be about to explode) I seem to have been friended by someone whose last post consists of an advertisement. One of those junkmail advertisements. Hello, if you're a real person and you're reading this - please explain things to me! I can see you on other people I know's flists (*headdesk grammar*) but no mention of Pros anywhere, you're not in any of the comms I hang out in, and... But it's the ad that's throwing me! No explanation, no apparent joke (unless I'm blind and missing it) - I'm confused!

But mostly I'm looking for the lads in Gibraltar post/s... *g*

livejournal, pros pics

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