The Great ProsWatch - Fugitive

Sep 28, 2008 20:54

Ah, Fugitive - a Bodie story... right?

Fugitive ramblings )

great pros watch

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Comments 37

msmoat September 28 2008, 23:07:28 UTC
Oh, gosh, that profile shot you found of Doyle.... They are gorgeous here, aren't they? And I like what you said about Doyle holding it together when he knows Bodie's in trouble...yet there are some telling moments... I also adore the way Bodie looks when Dreisinger asks him if he knows what happened to the man he shot.... Sigh. There may be some undercurrents here, but...there's the bond as well. *g*

Thank you! Lovely pics and thoughts!


mav_fan September 29 2008, 00:43:33 UTC
I agree, the profile of Doyle...swoon.

Great pictures, especially the chase, running Doyle is always a bonus!!


byslantedlight September 30 2008, 05:52:30 UTC
Thank you! Running Doyle is rather fab,isn't he... and I'm quite fond of Draped Over Cars Bodie as well... *g*


mav_fan October 2 2008, 18:11:26 UTC
The Lads are always good for providing wonderful things to watch!!


madmogs September 28 2008, 23:19:57 UTC
Wow, you're much thinkier about these eps than I am. I basically watch Fugitive for Bodie in those tight jeans.

Though you're undoubtedly right about the tension between them--I'll have to re-watch snd see if I can tear my eyes away from Bodie's arse for long enough.


byslantedlight September 30 2008, 05:54:47 UTC
Hey - nice to see you! *g*

I have to admit that the tight jeans are a draw, but... my favourite thing is the lovely slashy storyline in the eps. Even when they don't seem quite together to me, like in Fugitive, I'm figuring out an explanation for it in the back of my head... *g*


sc_fossil September 28 2008, 23:29:44 UTC
You brought out some good points to ponder. Are the boys a tad off? Even if they are, Doyle certainly doesn't hesitate to risk his own life to save Bodie.

And what was with that scene on the steps with the two guys asking Christina to come up and have a rest? Weird...

But Doyle is absolutely gorgeous in this. And I admit, I like Bodie in his short hair. It gives him more of a dangerous air, I think.



byslantedlight September 30 2008, 05:58:23 UTC
I do like that about this ep - that even though the lads seem really untogether to me, there's moments that show they still do care - Bodie's look when he thinks he's going to be told that Doyle's dead, the final chase... just, ahhhhh. *g*

The stairs scene does always jar me a little bit - but then I wonder if it's supposed to. I presume it's to show us that Christina is in a place which doesn't at all suit her current personality, the contrast between her as librarian and her as terrorist alerting us to something... and then of course she pulls out the guns... *g*

I'm a short-hair Bodie fan, I have to say, I like that it makes him look sort of sleek... *g*


saintvic September 29 2008, 00:02:50 UTC
I have to admit that I like this episode a lot. Reading your summary of the episode I can see some of the points where there seems to be a level of tension but I adore the ending where they are both trying to get the other out of danger. I also, rather weirdly and for real reason I can pinpoint like Christina and the eventual, very human jealousies that destroy the bad guys. Great summary and love the pictures you have chosen, I'll just be a bit further back up the page eyeing up Bodie in his tight trousers.


byslantedlight September 30 2008, 06:03:07 UTC
Yes - I love that even though there's clearly some tension between them, underneath it all they still want to be together... *g* I like Christina too - I think she gains sympathy at the start where we're never really sure whether she's tried to escape her past or not - even though she takes the guns out of hiding she throws them off the bridge, and then her desperate run for freedom ends badly... Yet she doesn't turn her back on her past either - she still thinks they were right, so she's got a loyalty to her that contrasts desperately with Karen's lack... And yes! The desperate humanness of the terrorists was so very clear... I love Pros for admitting to that greyness in the world!


pontisbright September 29 2008, 00:09:24 UTC
You've completely nailed my lingering niggle with this ep. I love it, I do: Bodie's magnificent package-first wall-wriggle, all the mucking about in the library, Doyle being so grumpy with Christina for bothering to run away, and of course the bomb rescue bit at the end, which is purest B/D goodness.

But there is something off, isn't there? There's this really odd tension between them: all the set-ups for classic banter and partner-in-peril angst are there, and some of them are even followed up, but it never feels relaxed, or natural.

Personal canon: Bodie left the iron on.

(Also: hello, sorry for random drive-by comment if such things are unwelcome: am an old lag with Pros and LJ, but new to putting the two together. The global rewatch thing is bloody genius, though.)


byslantedlight September 30 2008, 06:06:33 UTC
Random drive-by comments are always welcome - hello! *g*

Bodie left the iron on.
Heeee! And that's why he had to borrow Doyle's trousers, which are just... perfect indecent? *g*

Eps like this always throw me a bit - Runner's another one, cos there is something not quite right between them, such undercurrents... At least my slashy little head has lots to work with!


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