Spiderwebby Ramblings of the Walking Kind

Sep 28, 2008 10:05

I thought exercising alot was supposed to make you feel more energetic, not less! Walked a million miles yesterday (approximately) for one reason or another, and when I finally stopped I couldn't keep my eyes open! You'll be telling me I have to do it more than once next... *g ( Read more... )

photos, real life

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Comments 32

moth2fic September 28 2008, 09:42:11 UTC
The webs are gorgeous. There were two spiders outside our door yesterday with webs that mirrored each other, about a foot apart. I nearly went for my camera but something distracted me.

Colin went paragliding but said the weather 'up there' wasn't as good as it seemed from the ground. The paraglider in your photo has to be either a paramotor or launched from a tow, in your part of the world...

I'm quite envious. I've damaged a tendon in my heel and walks of any length are out!


byslantedlight September 28 2008, 11:16:54 UTC
Oh look, look at the speed with which I can reply to people now that I have broadband back again! Wheeee! *vbg*

And that was Colin paragliding over Wimpole...? *g* The paraglider in the pic did have a motor - first time I've seen one like that actually. Very odd too, as it was so peaceful across late afternoon Wimpole, and then there was this buzzing...

Erk - bad news about your foot - hope it doesn't take too long to heal, although I know tendons aren't good news when they're injured...


moth2fic September 28 2008, 11:39:49 UTC
No, he was up in Derbyshire! Some of his friends fly paramotors and he has had a 'go' but they're very expensive! We've been following the cross channel flight with the jet wing!

My foot is improving - but I gather the full cure can take months rather than weeks and even going shopping tends to set it back. Annoying!


byslantedlight September 28 2008, 11:48:41 UTC
Oh, the jetwing's brilliant, isn't it! Though it doesn't bode well for it's marketability that he had to be thrown out of an aeroplane wearing it... I was already working out what size holster would probably suit me best... *sniffs sadly*


schnuffi September 28 2008, 09:50:56 UTC
Great pics, especially the webs. They're very beautiful despite the not so beautiful occupants. Spider, uck. I only like the very small, jumping ones. They're fun to watch.

Definitely need to make a round through the neighbourhood as soon as the weather gets better and take some pics of the red and yellow leafed trees and climbers.

Thanks for sharing!


byslantedlight September 28 2008, 11:18:41 UTC
The webs were so gorgeous! (And I'm also squeeing now about the other kind of web - I've got broadband speeds back - wheeeee!) I couldn't believe how many there were, they were just everywhere. We haven't got alot of autumn-coloured leaves yet, although they're starting, especially some of the climbers. Shall look forward to your pics!


gilda_elise September 28 2008, 10:22:16 UTC
What lovely pictures! And what a beautiful walk it must have been. I'm especially intrigued with the last picture. Its "not-crosses" design brings to mind "The Keep," by F. Paul Wilson, where the design was actually supposed to be sword hilts. Do you have any idea what the name of the place is?


byslantedlight September 28 2008, 11:31:32 UTC
Ooh, pretty icon... *g*

And well-spotted, you! The "ruins" were actually built like that on purpose - it's a neo-Gothic folly and there's some info about it here, though not about the crosses specifically... It was apparently lived in by the estate gamekeeper at one point, mind.


rosie55 September 28 2008, 11:04:56 UTC
Lovely,though, as you know, long walks are out for me at the moment. But I did put together a mosaic of some of my autumny pictures so maybe I should post that. Strangely the trees here don't generally look all that colourful yet, but hopefully in another week or two...
Ok, I do believe you've finally galvanised me into posting at last -shall potter off and do that!


byslantedlight September 28 2008, 11:34:03 UTC
Oh, I'd love to see a mosaic of your autumny pictures, that'd be lovely! *g* There's actually not alot of colour change here yet either, though a few of the climbers have turned spectacular red - as in the glimpse in the pic with the rooftops. And the poor old chestnuts, though I'm told they've turned dry-brown early this year due to disease... Maybe in a week or so the other trees will catch up... *g*


heliophile_oxon September 28 2008, 11:43:23 UTC
That first web-pic is particularly stunning - I really like the composition with the railings, and the fact that you shot it at an angle. (just the sort of thing someone lying hidden on stakeout might look up to see ... a sort of Robert the Bruce moment but not; a person might look at that web and think about the spider and fragility and strength and re-assess their relationships, you know? see what you've done to my perceptions now?)

I feel rather envious of your part of the world ... not that there isn't any green around here, but nothing like that I'm afraid. What is that round tower?

Happy broadbanding, and long may it fly!


byslantedlight September 28 2008, 11:51:50 UTC
Wheeeee for broadbanding! (Except that I don't want to leave my computer now, in case it all turns out to be a dream... *g*)

There's a link to what the round tower really is up above in my reply to GildaElise - it's actually a neo-Gothic folly, built originally as a ruin, but eventually was a house for the estate gamekeeper!

And oh, the spiderwebs... *g* Glad you liked the pics - I have to admit that I had to take the top one at that angle, cos I really was looking up at it... *g*


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