The Great ProsWatch - Wild Justice

Sep 21, 2008 20:55

Oh yeay - I'm home, and it's ProsWatch - and it's Wild Justice no less! Wheeeee! *g*

Straight into the (eighties!) high-tech action here - a monitor showing us what's going on in what's obviously a nasty hostage situation. They're not responding to polite greetings in their own tongue from men on loudhailers! An agent in camo and balaclava takes a message up to the roof of the building, to where our lads are working out their plans... and yes! *Hugs* lads! Doyle not only gives Bodie a goodbye smack on his leg as he heads off - he says "See you, sunshine!"

I've never heard that before! *hugs tv with excellent speakers* *vbg* So we're straight in with the slash, and gods but I've missed our lads while I was away... *happy, happy grin*

Doyle looking ever so agile as well, negotiating that roof... they're all getting into place... shades of the Embassy seige, of course... gunfire - screams! And ack - Bodie unmasked! It's an exercise, Doyle's cross... not just shout-y, but really cross that Bodie's mucking up...

Yeay lovely credits!

Doyle flicks Bodie a glance as they come out...

...but walks past him and talks to Thingie. He looks... not sure what to do?

Jack Crane's Australian... *g* Or... well, he's not English, anyway! Ha - he's disguised Bodie's physical by giving it to everyone else - sarky bugger! *g*

Eek - the lads all Rambo on the climbing frame - ah, the eighties!... Doyle's not giving Bodie a break either - they're still joking with each other, mind...

The computer room - oh gawd, that gorgeous light on them both - it shouldn't work, but it does...

Hee - and Ross. I like her - she doesn't take any crap from the lads, and they're so good at giving it out. She beats them... and Doyle appreciates it - "What are you doing tonight?"... Bodie joins them, looking all dark and brooding... Ross wins, waits until they leave before she smiles a bit at Doyle, but then focuses on Bodie again...

Doyle's in a good mood suddenly - cheered up by Bodie joking around maybe? Ah, Doyle's legs around a motorbike... *g* And they both go roaring off - though Bodie's picked up a tail...

Bodie at The Chequered Flag - looking a touch insalubrious... Hee - I like 7.7 - who calls himself 77, and does a lovely version of the Speaking Clock... *g* "Pre-cisely"!

Doyle is very casual when Cowley comes up to his place - as if Cowley often makes social calls... He's looking good in that shirt...

Doyle's got a briefcase! Now there's a thing - why would he need a briefcase..? Is anyone else fascinated by the idea of the part of his job that requires a briefcase? *g*

He's being very familiar with Cowley in fact - and Cowley very naturally bats his hands away and ties his tie for him, and Doyle lets him without any qualms... Cowley's friendly with both of them, but this is very very! Doyle unwary - too happy so that he's relaxing more around Cowley?! *g*

Oh... and Cowley forces him to admit that Bodie's not doing well, and all the energy goes out of him...

Cowley and Jennifer Black are in Windsor! People have pointed it out, but I've never recognised it before! How far out do the lads go for their dates..?! Or is that just where she was supposed to be having lunch?

Back on exercises - Doyle on a bike with sidecar, Bodie storming... something. *g* I wonder if the people playing the bad guys are being given points if they win?!

Doyle calls Bodie "sunshine" again... Very easy with it, he is, though a bit frustrated? Bodie looking... stoic? He knows he's screwing up, knows he's got to do something about it...

Bodie with Shu-Sai... looks lovely in that scarf too - the light on his profile, ever so perfect...

Sounds as if Bodie might have gone to Shu-Sai asking for advice too - Shu-Sai tells him that whatever it is he has to do, he's got to find a way to do it - as if he's giving an answer...

The Chequered Flag is close to Bodie's gym, apparently... Jennifer isn't impressed! The bikers aren't either... Bodie even less so - my but what he does to that car - oh, but I've finally worked it out! That's the moment! Yes! I've always wondered not why he punches in the car door, but why he smiles at Jennifer like that afterwards - is he trying to frighten her? She's worried! But it's the moment, isn't it - the perfect moment where he knows what he has to do about Billy, and the thought becomes pure motion - the car door crumples, the sandcastle falls... *g*

See, this is why I love watching Pros still - no matter how many times you see an ep, they leave so much for you to think about, so much to watch, that there are layers upon layers upon layers still to discover! Now, someone's bound to jump in and say "You mean, you've only just worked it out - well, duh!" but you know, I don't care, because I've just had the joy of doing that rather than the other joys I'm more usually focussing on in that scene... *vbg*

More gunfire, more exercises - a shout from Doyle... shadows and shouts in the dark - and a roar as he fumbles the reload! And hee - makes excuses... he's cross with himself though - love the leap over sandbags to stand beside Bodie, who's prepared, and efficient, and suddenly doing perfectly on the course... Oh, and Doyle's all reluctantly impressed and sort of proud that Bodie's done so well - look at his face, at his smile!

Bodie seems to be happy, joking with him, and then... the watergun. Doyle's amused, but... not comfortable...

Back in the computer room - that lovely light - hee - look how pleased Bodie is with himself again! And he's sharing it with Doyle... oh, and see the way they look at each other after Doyle's "as far as finishing goes he's the end" joke - both of them pleased with Bodie again... and their lovely double act for Ross, just pure glee! *g*

How luxurious is that meeting - glasses of malt whisky all around, is it?! And no wonder Ross gets crotchety - how patronising is Crane?! Prat! And the other doctor explaining Bodie's psychology to Ross-the-psychologist! Double prat...

Ah, the yellow jeep, and - ooh, matching bike! Bodie stroppy cos he's lost though... and Doyle not going to side with the girl against Bodie, no matter how frustrated he is...

Love the computer security that Ross uses to get into the system! How fun were the eighties?! *g*

The girl doesn't know much about the lads - love Doyle's story about being secretaries... while Bodie's typing up, Doyle's taking down... bondage and romance... what has he got on his mind...? I'm personally convinced that Doyle was getting dressed up to go out with Bodie when Cowley turned up... *vbg*

Ah, and the enduro - Doyle's not impressed! It looks alot like the enduros that my brother used to ride in - all noise and exhausts and blokes enjoying themselves! Oooh - and Bodie's acknowledging that Doyle's good at them... hee - he's wearing the same sort of kit my brother wore too - Bro's bike was Kawasaki green though... Ha - there weren't so many ineffectual flag wavers trying to stop the bikers riding through either!

Girl is very familiar with Bodie, and vice versa - he had his hand very familiarly on her shoulder, and then she very comfortably climbs around him and stands behind him... maybe she's the date Doyle was getting ready for the other night... as well as Bodie... *g*

Oh - Goldilocks again! Bodie calls Doyle "Goldilocks" again! *vbg* And Bodie offers Doyle phone numbers if he wins, Girl is not impressed, and Doyle throws something at Bodie! Heee!

And they're off around the course... It's about as muddy as the ones Bro was in as well - he always used to come out coated and gleeful! (Sometimes he won too - even once or twice when his best mate was riding, who's current world champion - they ride hard on the Island... *g* *brags on behalf of Island (and brother *g*)*)

Aww - muddy Doyle, the winner! *g* Very muddy... *vbg* Doyle's sussed out that something's up with Bodie, to do with the lads who were riding to block him out... that he was a target in Bodie's place... But Bodie's happy - Bodie's hands are all over Doyle, and this is what we like, so...

The Widowmaker... I made Bro watch this section, and he says the Widowmaker is pretty do-able - not easy, but do-able... Oh, Doyle's mad at Bodie - "This's not for you" - Bodie growling back "I know..." - they both know what they're really saying though, don't they - it's right there... oh, Doyle's mad with Bodie he won't even watch Bodie do something so dangerous... oh, just... ohhhhh (Also, that's just how I came off a bike and smashed me leg - I looped the loop... *headdesk*)

And Bodie's off... he doesn't make it, and did you hear the biker's taunt? "You'll never do it like that, sunshine!" Billy doesn't make it... Bodie does... and back down again... Oh, and Billy back down too, and not in a good way... St John's heading over... he's alive though - was Bodie hoping the ride would kill him?

The lads together as they're leaving the enduro... Doyle poking at Bodie and vice-versa... and Bodie rides very slowly past the bikers... Doyle's frustrated enough that he's given up on Bodie - except that he hasn't, because as soon as Cowley finds him he's off on his bike... (Hah! And hee - didn't even realise what I'd written there 'til I checked it over... *g*) Bodie doesn't discriminate between who he's hitting though... Doyle's down... up again and fighting back, pulls them off Bodie until all that's left is King Billy, tight in Bodie's neck-lock... and Cowley and William's girlfriend... Cowley waits until she's given Bodie no reason to kill Billy, until Bodie's let him go, before he lets Bodie go... Bodie chooses Cowley's form of justice over his own in the end...

Oh, Cowley's not happy with Bodie at all! And the lads a bit discomforted to think that Cowley might well have pulled that trigger... oh, I see a serious night together for them...

But how fab is that ep?! I really like it - they're together, for all that Bodie's blocking Doyle out as well... There's so much to play with as well - why this, and why that, and what's happened between them there... *vbg* But mostly they like each other, and there's so much more to it - they're just... I've said it before, I'll no doubt say it again cos it's true - they're so together, so a part of each other in this ep! *vbg*

And now - bed, and then tomorrow lovely lovely flist-catching-up, and I'm going to catch up on The Acorn Syndrome too! It just doesn't feel right, having missed one...

Hope you've all had a fab week-and-a-bit - how are you?! *vbg*

great pros watch

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