Interesting day

Nov 10, 2009 17:19

Well I went out this morning to go down to Community Action Partnership so someone could help me with my resume and also a cover letter. The girl who was suppose to help me was not there so someone else helped me. After that I left and went over to "St.E" and went up to the Goodwill "Job Center" and looked at job leads in a book for awhile to "kill" some time. Then I went to get some lunch and when I went to pay for it my BVR counselor was at the register buying something and she told the cashier she was going to pay for my stuff also. I was glad and thankful for that.
After I ate my lunch I went down to J.S.S.T.
We mostly rehashed what we had learned over the past few weeks. What's needed when you go to an interview. Ways to find jobs/job leads. What to do before, during and after an interview, etc.
How to behave and so on.

When I got home I saw that a LOT of leaves came off of the tree(s). All that raking I did yesterday and well.....
It wasn't even that windy today! My son did just rake some more leaves up in back a while ago. I am glad for that. Plus last night he raked some in front. The trees in back still have quite a few leaves on them though so it's go to take quite a bit of raking.
After that it will be time to start shoveling! :(
We need to move to an apartment somewhere and then we won't have to worry about all that!
Well I am tired. I had some other things I was going to do but now I'm too tired.
I went to the bank a while ago and deposited a check my son wrote so I'll have the money for the electric bill. I did also pay that a while ago online.
I stopped on the way home from the bank and bought some gas & got 3 cents off per gallon. Apparently Speedway is doing that for this month if you use your Speedy Rewards Card.
So I guess I'm done yammering for now. :)

people, november, 2009, life, stuff, work

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