After midnight.....

Nov 09, 2009 00:10

Well I meant to post something earlier but I didn't.

Had an interesting day yesterday.

Saturday was the church Christmas bazaar which I help out with. I help serve up soup for the lunch we were selling at the bazaar. After my "shift" was done I was leaving and saw a bag of toy plastic building blocks like my sister and I used to play with when we were kids. I was so tempted to buy them but then thought "They'll just sit around and gather dust". But they I just kept thinking about them and remembering all the fun my sister and I used to have with ours. I thought - "OK- If they are still there tomorrow I will buy them. Plus then I can get them for half-price."
So after the church service yesterday I went and checked and they were there. So I did buy them for $2.50. I also bought some Christmas cards and a "candle" (one of those battery operated kind) and I even bought a small suitcase for $1.00! I told my friend that the suitcase was kind of a wishful thinking thing because I never go anywhere anymore. I've forgotten what a vacation is.
Also yesterday after I got home from church I was sitting here at the computer and the phone rings. It was my friend who lives next door. She invited me to go up to Sidney, OH with her. She has some land up there in the country she wanted to check on and some buildings. She said she would treat me to a visit to a restaurant called The Spot. They have Fried Mushrooms which she knows I love.
So we went up there and she checked on here property and she also pointed out some places to me where she grew up, etc.
We stopped by her niece's house for a bit and also her brother's place.
Then we went into Sidney and ate at The Spot. It was good. I had a chicken sandwich and she had pulled pork. We both had the fried mushrooms. She didn't think they were as good as she thought they should be. I thought they were great.

I may try to rake some more leaves later today since I didn't get them done yesterday.
I also hope I remember to call and make a doctors appointment so I can get my medicine refilled.

Well I'm going to put the pics behind a cut.

november, 2009, life, friend, travel, church, memory(ies)

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